Hey guys! Got some stuff I'm trying to get, would appreciate any help I can get!
Scroll of the Helm of Frost
Scroll of the Silver Slinger
Scroll of the Doublecross Bow
Planar Focus of Prowess(Dexterity 8) ----Priority
Seal of House Dun'Robar(Insightful Strength 2, Dodge Bonus 4%, Exceptional Combat Mastery 5) ----Priority
Icy Burst kits ----Priority(once Risia Ice Games are back)
Large Bags
Some plat
1x Mystical Cannith Power Cell
2374 Motes of Night
Random Scrolls(ask for what you want, and I'll look to see if I have it)
94x Elixir of Major Mnemonic Enhancement
You can contact me in game on any of my toons.