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  1. #1
    Community Member tylerdurden77's Avatar
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    Default best repeater for leveling?

    I'd like to know what the community at large thinks is the preferred type of repeater for leveling an artificer. I'm not too worried about the early levels (1-6) as the quests are fairly short and the mobs usually go down in one 3-shot volley from a repeater. I'm looking for what people generally use for levels 7-15. I cap it at level 16 because once I can get those Web of Chaos repeaters in my hands I think they are pretty solid until level 20 epic weapons come into play.

    Here are some of the questions I have come up with:

    Pure DPS or effects? For the middle levels is it better to mow down mobs with a heavy repeater like a Flaming of Lacerating? Or should I craft myself a Wounding of Puncturing and just cast elemental weapons on it?

    What gear do you wear to augment your repeater? Of course you will be wearing your rune arm of choice which usually adds some sort of elemental damage, but I'm looking for non-rune arm gear that adds damage or effects to your repeater. Things like the Charged Gauntlets (shocking blow), regular Claw set (+2 damage), Sora Katra set (+2 hit and damage), Wind Howler bracers (shrieking bolt), etc

    Greensteel or Paralyzing? By the time you get to Necro 3 or Von flagging (level 11-ish) casters start to shine and have enough GS items and SP dominate a quest. At this point I have found that I am more effective playing a support role in groups. Doing things like buffing melees, taking down casters or archers in the back ranks, etc. So would it be better to use a Lit2 GS repeater to help take trash out quicker? Or should I be paralyzing, cursing, or shattermantle-ing things and let the melees and casters do their thing?

    Let me know what you guys think. I'm pretty sure at the end of the day it all comes down to preferred playstyle and experience, but I'm interested to know what others have found from their experience.

    Last edited by tylerdurden77; 12-06-2012 at 09:05 AM.
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  2. #2
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    If you have greensteel as an option (not available to first life toons, etc.) then a GS DPS bow (Lit2 is common) is pretty freaking brutal. A CC option like is great (freezing ice, earthgrab).

    If you don't, I'd craft/carry
    - One general DPS ... Holy/Good works ... You might be able to get some decent lootgen combos too - Holy / Lacerating, Pandemonium / Lacerating, etc. They are rare, but the extra points of DPS are always nice.
    - Wounding / Puncturing or other stat-damager to put folks in auto-crit.
    - Paralyzing ... I went back and forth with this and the stat damager. I ended up using the stat damager more.
    - Ghost Touch / Greater Incorporeal Bane (crafted)
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  3. #3
    Community Member Brennie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lazlow View Post
    concerning some of you mentioning the bold trinket and charged these effects applying using a ranged weapon? Thought these applied melee only.
    Bold trinket has other attributes, and charged gauntlets are nice for the set bonus if nothing else, but the bonus proc from each of these does not apply to ranged combat.

    Quote Originally Posted by voodoogroves View Post
    - Wounding / Puncturing or other stat-damager to put folks in auto-crit.
    Auto-Crit isn't a thing anymore. However, you still get the stun and a 150% to all damage on the target, so stat damagers still do stuff. Although, personally I don't really like them til higher level, as pure damage tends to rip things up too quickly for the stat damage to matter in middle levels.

  4. #4
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brennie View Post
    Auto-Crit isn't a thing anymore. However, you still get the stun and a 150% to all damage on the target, so stat damagers still do stuff. Although, personally I don't really like them til higher level, as pure damage tends to rip things up too quickly for the stat damage to matter in middle levels.
    You know what I mean ;-)


    I like them around 12+, once your rune arm damage also gets decent enough.
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  5. #5
    Community Member Seventoe's Avatar
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    I've run through five lives as a repeater user: 2 arti and 3 int-based ranger/arti/barb, and this is what I've found.

    If a lit2 bow is an option, that will be your strongest choice most of the time. If your shooting a mob it's probably too late for a caster to instakill it anyway. It's definitely too early to cede dominance to the casters.

    Paralyzing is fun, but for me at least it was mostly a toy, because the lit2 damage was so strong that it was almost always the best choice. Depending on the party, it can be nice after level 15, when you finally have the attack bonus to take Improved precise shot.

    I have a triple-positive bow, which saw a lot of use too. Another one that came in handy was the banisher. A banishing repeater is killer in the vale quests, and against elementals. I also used a smiter from time to time; before you find one its good to have a crafted construct-bane repeater before you hit the VON chain.

    It's a lot more grind, but a T1 Earth Alchemical repeater is ML16 and its SO MUCH FUN.

    1. LIT2 for
    2. 3xPOS
    3. Banisher
    4. Smiter/construct bane.
    5. Paralyzer

    Happy Plinking!
    Sadcat // Funn // Algorithm // others
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  6. #6
    Community Member Bacab's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seventoe View Post

    1. LIT2 for
    2. 3xPOS
    3. Banisher
    4. Smiter/construct bane.
    5. Paralyzer

    Happy Plinking!
    100% agree with this. This is what I am using and I like it a lot

    I have heard a lotta people like Triple Earth for Earth Grab or Triple Ice for freezing guard.
    "Hireling" and "Hjealer"
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  7. #7
    Community Member 9Crows's Avatar
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  8. #8
    Community Member cdr's Avatar
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    LVL2: Lacerating
    LVL6: Acid Burst of Pure Good w/festival icy burst
    LVL10: Paralyzing, Smiting, Banishing w/festival icy burst
    LVL12: LitII GS
    LVL16: Doublecross, Silver Slinger

    Bonus minimal runearms (I threw the rest away):
    LVL1: Flicker
    LVL3: Strinati's Hand Cannon
    LVL5: Coronach, Devourer's Hunger
    LVL7: Hand of the Tombs
    LVL11: Tor arm (I happen to have Chill of Winter)
    LVL15: Glorious Obscenity
    LVL17: Toven's Hammer, Animus

    I made myself a ML11 improved cursespewing of slowburst but rarely ended up using it. After LitII, rarely used paralyzing but used banishing/smiting a ton situationally. Doublecross is a great dps+CC package.

    I only used Bold Trinket (shocking blow), Charged Gauntlets, Wind Howler bracers. Claw set or Sora Katra set are not worth the gear sacrifices, especially the latter.
    Last edited by cdr; 12-06-2012 at 10:31 AM.

  9. #9
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdr View Post
    LVL2: Lacerating
    LVL6: Acid Burst of Pure Good w/festival icy burst
    LVL10: Paralyzing, Smiting, Banishing w/festival icy burst
    LVL12: LitII GS
    LVL16: Doublecross, Silver Slinger

    Bonus minimal runearms (I threw the rest away):
    LVL1: Flicker
    LVL3: Strinati's Hand Cannon
    LVL5: Coronach, Devourer's Hunger
    LVL7: Hand of the Tombs
    LVL11: Tor arm (I happen to have Chill of Winter)
    LVL15: Glorious Obscenity
    LVL17: Toven's Hammer, Animus

    I made myself a ML11 improved cursespewing of slowburst but rarely ended up using it. After LitII, rarely used paralyzing but used banishing/smiting a ton situationally. Doublecross is a great dps+CC package.

    I only used Bold Trinket (shocking blow), Charged Gauntlets, Wind Howler bracers. Claw set or Sora Katra set are not worth the gear sacrifices, especially the latter.
    if you can stand to farm it, recoyle is actually quite nice at level 11. and while toven's hammer is better vs trash, lucid dreams or the new FR one are better vs most bosses (though it's not a landslide victory, i'll admit).

  10. #10
    Community Member fco-karatekid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaid314 View Post
    if you can stand to farm it, recoyle is actually quite nice at level 11. and while toven's hammer is better vs trash, lucid dreams or the new FR one are better vs most bosses (though it's not a landslide victory, i'll admit).
    I just farmed a Recoyle this weekend for my first Arti - it was a SERIOUD slog thru that content, but MAN was Recoyle worth it (caveat: I have several AP in Force Manipulation, as I am preparing for later Lucid Dreams use; so those AP may have skewed my opinion). Each one of those force thingies is hitting for between 40-80... shredding stuff right now.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdr View Post
    LVL6: Acid Burst of Pure Good w/festival icy burst
    Putting with festival icy burst on there is terrible advice. I mean, FIB is nice, but should never be recommended as a must have. Not everyone has all the mats sitting and waiting until the festival comes back, and not everyone is going to be able to farm it or drop the stupidly high prices people ask for the mats.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bunker View Post
    IMO paralyzing is not worth it ever as a repeater.
    That's a nice opinion. It's a wrong one, but whatever. If possible, an artificer should try to keep a para repeater on hand. You won't use it all the time, but there will be times you need to stop a whole bunch of stuff dead in their tracks.

    Artis are all about DPS
    . . . No, just no. Artificers are more about versatile damage than max damage.
    Frozen Tunic(for non-WF)
    Totally not worth the effort to build for an Artificer. You can find better random loot armors that will serve you better.
    upgraded ring of lies(imp. deception @lvl 13 is GREAT!)
    Improved deception is a nice thing. I would try to find ways to slot it on most of my characters if they didnt' already have pretty strict gear requirements.
    Stalker Ring(lvl 12 at minimum manslayer ftw)
    Manslayer is pretty nice and at level 12, you dont' have a lot of other things begging to take one of you precious ring slots, so agreed.

    Cannith favor to lower your min lvl on your rune arms by 2 leves.
    If you can do it, yes.
    Quote Originally Posted by thunir View Post
    Your gonna want a Silver slinger anyway
    Yep. Honestly, even when combined with a Hand of the Tombs, I find the SS subpar for fighting undead. You're much better off with a holy burst of greater undead bane + Hand. But for fighting pit fiends, the SS is totally sweet. The only thing I've found that is better is a chaotic burst of GLO bane loaded with silver arrows and hit with good weapons.

  12. #12
    Community Member Bunker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by danzig138 View Post
    . . . No, just no. Artificers are more about versatile damage than max damage.
    When saying "Artis are all about DPS", I didn't mean max damage. Perhaps said it wrong, but basically saying artis are about damage and not defense.
    Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks

  13. #13
    Community Member Singular's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunker View Post
    When saying "Artis are all about DPS", I didn't mean max damage. Perhaps said it wrong, but basically saying artis are about damage and not defense.
    I think you were right the first time. The amount of damage my artie produces is remarkable. I've been searching for a paralyzer for a long time, finally got one, but it's much faster just to kill the trash. Maybe if I found myself in some uber group where I couldn't keep up damage-wise, I'd switch to a CC weapon to max their damage. But in the meantime, it's usually me who's clearing the trash.

  14. #14
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
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    Debuffing mobs is good but the best debuff is death. Even at mid-levels, stuff generally goes down pretty quick, and taking them out even quicker is generally the better option.

    In terms of DPS weapons, hard to beat greensteel when TRing. LitII is great...3x pos deserves a mention as well-it is NEARLY as much damage/bolt as a litII

    same crits/base damage
    litII= 7holy+2.1good blast+5.6good burst=14.7
    3xpos=7 holy+1.8elec blast+4.6elec blast+~9lit proc=22.4

    So ~8 less. Seems like a lot but with int to damage, crits, base weapon damage, and all other buffs it is probably like ~10-15% less dps. Tops. Also, keep in mind that more things take good damage (only good enemies do not) than elec damage...even 10 elec resist really kills of the shocking burst/blast damage contribution. Nothing reduces the good damage and very little is immune.

    Also, the big difference in dps between the 2-the lightning strike-will not actually be 9 damage/bolt against low hp targets. If the 2nd bolt procs litII wrath and kills it...and the 3rd would have killed it anyway...doesn't really matter.

    3x pos also does ~26 damageper bolt \ to undead because of greater disruption and also vorpals. And, it has a raise clicky . Due to skeles piercing DR, till you get silver slinger 3x pos is really handy. Undead are very prevelent when TRing.

    I'd go 3x pos for the above reasons. Mildly less dps against most mobs but tears up undead and really nothing resists it.

  15. #15
    Community Member lazlow's Avatar
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    Default curious

    concerning some of you mentioning the bold trinket and charged these effects applying using a ranged weapon? Thought these applied melee only.

  16. #16
    Community Member tylerdurden77's Avatar
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    Thanks for the replies everyone. I like MrMechMan's detailed analysis of the Lit2 versus Triple-Pos. Prolly gonna go with a Triple-Pos for my 1 GS to make for this guy. Losing a bit of damage from the Lightning Strike for the added utility of having a great undead beater with a res clickie seems like a good trade for levels 12-19. Plus it's a cheaper from the Shroud mats perspective.

    Quote Originally Posted by cdr View Post
    Doublecross is a great dps+CC package.
    Yes, I can't wait to upgrade my doublecross bow at level 20. I'm a big fan of enervation from playing my rogue. Can't wait to see it in action in the middle of an Endless Fussilade volley.
    Cloaken (Assassin) | Lightfoote (PM Wiz) | Bendr (Arty evoker) | Gurnee (Virt bard)
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  17. #17
    Community Member MattiG's Avatar
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    Surprised to not see more mention of rad2 (INT/INT/holy). With helf rogue dilly. Quite nice.

    Lootgen +1 banishing of righteousness is nice as well.
    Sicks and Tymn on Orien.

  18. #18
    The Hatchery CaptainSpacePony's Avatar
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    GS if you can (not so much for 1st life). Pick your flavor.

    If no GS, then paralyzer was my main wpn on 1st life with Banisher, smiter, disruptor for the appropriate stuff.

  19. #19
    Hero nibel's Avatar
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    Just a quick note, there is another inherent advantage on PosX3 over Lit2: It require only a single shard. So, you dont need 24 larges to craft it.
    Amossa d'Cannith, Sarlona, casually trying Completionist (12/14) [<o>]
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    I want DDO to be a better game. Those are my personal suggestions on: Ammunition, Archmage, Combat Stances, Deities, Dispel Magic, Epic Destiny Map, Fast Healing, Favor, Favored Enemy, Half-elf Enhancements, Monk Kensai, Monk Stances, Past Life, Potency, Potions, Ranger Spells, Summons, Tiered Loot.

  20. #20
    Community Member Bunker's Avatar
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    GS Rad II is king in my book. But if this is a TR project, no need to make a GS repeater just for 8 lvls. (12-20)

    Pick the highest dmg, and stick with it. IMO paralyzing is not worth it ever as a repeater. There are better prefix/suffix on other random items, and Artis are all about DPS, so stick with what does the most.

    I will comment on other items that you might want to have:

    Frozen Tunic(for non-WF)
    upgraded ring of lies(imp. deception @lvl 13 is GREAT!)
    Stalker Ring(lvl 12 at minimum manslayer ftw)

    And one other thing to mention. Cannith favor to lower your min lvl on your rune arms by 2 leves. Hand of Tombs @ lvl 7 and Lucid Dreams @ lvl 17 makes all the difference if you can muster up the favor from past lifes to prep for Arti.

    Many other ideas I have, but the above off the top to start.


    Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks

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