I'd like to know what the community at large thinks is the preferred type of repeater for leveling an artificer. I'm not too worried about the early levels (1-6) as the quests are fairly short and the mobs usually go down in one 3-shot volley from a repeater. I'm looking for what people generally use for levels 7-15. I cap it at level 16 because once I can get those Web of Chaos repeaters in my hands I think they are pretty solid until level 20 epic weapons come into play.
Here are some of the questions I have come up with:
Pure DPS or effects? For the middle levels is it better to mow down mobs with a heavy repeater like a Flaming of Lacerating? Or should I craft myself a Wounding of Puncturing and just cast elemental weapons on it?
What gear do you wear to augment your repeater? Of course you will be wearing your rune arm of choice which usually adds some sort of elemental damage, but I'm looking for non-rune arm gear that adds damage or effects to your repeater. Things like the Charged Gauntlets (shocking blow), regular Claw set (+2 damage), Sora Katra set (+2 hit and damage), Wind Howler bracers (shrieking bolt), etc
Greensteel or Paralyzing? By the time you get to Necro 3 or Von flagging (level 11-ish) casters start to shine and have enough GS items and SP dominate a quest. At this point I have found that I am more effective playing a support role in groups. Doing things like buffing melees, taking down casters or archers in the back ranks, etc. So would it be better to use a Lit2 GS repeater to help take trash out quicker? Or should I be paralyzing, cursing, or shattermantle-ing things and let the melees and casters do their thing?
Let me know what you guys think. I'm pretty sure at the end of the day it all comes down to preferred playstyle and experience, but I'm interested to know what others have found from their experience.