Give us the option to make every quest a walkup.

-This makes window farming possible in places where otherwise, solo, you would need to run back and take the quest from some questgiver.
-For chains, only make them walkups if you have accessed that part of the quest once.
-For raids, only make them walkups when the raid timer is off.

It avoids long walks
losing the window doesn't = horrible reflagging
avoids having to reflag for a chain (ie shadow crypt) after having done it once. that kind of flagging sucks anyway. I don't think anyone would be sorry to see it go.
avoids having to log a box or party with a guildy/friend to farm a quest
avoids having to share/abandon a quest with party members when no one gets the window.
no one has to ever ask for a share

They'd probably mess up its implementation.
Don't know where to turn it in.
Some roleplayers would cry.