Auctionning those.
I'm only interested in red scales, green scales, and TP codes.
3 greens = 6 reds = 1550 TP
5 greens = 10 reds = 2500 TP
10 greens = 20 reds = 5000 TP

I'll consider 10k TP as a buyout, even if I don't expect anyone to bid that high.
If two bids have the same "value" according to above rules, I'll take the one with the most reds first, then the one with the most greens if both have the same number of reds.

Auction will last until Sunday, 4pm EST, with 1 hour sniping rule whether I am online or not ; unless buyout happens.
Private bids are accepted, but the amount will be posted publicly here.

Please be reminded that if your bid includes TP codes, I will be rendeeming them before accepting the trade. If you're not ok with that, please stick to scales, thanks !