EDIT: Someone was kind enough to help me out with this, so I am no longer looking for the robe. Please disregard.
I'm looking for a Spidersilk Robe with +3 Insightful Charisma that has the Battle Arcanist set bonus added. If you have one, I'll buy it. If you don't have a robe but have the favor and comms to upgrade one, I can give you the robe to upgrade (I believe this is still possible without causing the robe to become bound, please correct me if this is no longer true) and will naturally compensate you for your trouble. Or if you're interested in the +8 CHA version that has the Battle Arcanist added, I'll swap you. I can pay in plat/larges/FRDS/mana pots/etc.
Basically, there are a lot of ways we can work this out, and I'm willing to be flexible. If you can help, hit me up in game on Anaximus or Anaxaren. (already done, see EDIT)