Ok...I never get to post anything like this, but I'm so excited that I finally got to see one of those ridiculous ragequits that everyone seems to have a story about, that I just have to put it on the forums.
Anyways, some buddies and guildies of mine decide to do a Shroud last night. After getting 5 of us together, we put up an LFM, which fills in less than 5 minutes with the exception of the last spot. A minor amount of drama goes on for the last spot, mainly because we seem to pick up a wizzie that just quits after the leader asks him if he can do the crystal in pt2, and we couldn't decide to do it on normal for quick, or hard for more loot. Anyways, our primary healer tells us to man up and do it on hard, so we finally go in. Only thing that is out of the ordinary, besides having no arcane, is that we have 3 arties, myself being one of them...see, we really don't care if it's an all bard shroud, we know we can complete.
Well, things go well for the most part...only hiccup we have is in part 2 when people accidentally killed the gnoll before anything else was prepped. Technically, I think we came within seconds of completing at that point anyway, but we ended up having to let them reset before we took em down properly the second time. (artie 1-me, and artie 2 on the crystal) For some reason, when we were doing our thing, artie#3 ended up dying, which happens sometimes. Odd part about it is for a minute or 2, none of our rezzers could find him to rez him...not sure why, or where he was. Either way, cleaned up, rezzed him just before the end of pt2, and went on.
Pt3 went well, though I thought it was odd that Artie3 felt it necessary to type into party chat to "stop trying to do the water before the puzzle's done, or we won't et the extra chests" AFTER half of the puzzles had been completed, and nobody had screwed anything up. Just thought it was odd, since everyone in there seemed to know what they were doing.
Pt 4 was smooth other than me dying because I decided (without asking the healers) that ~450 hp was enough to stay in with the melees through the blades to ensure I got heals...my bad...I shoulda backed out when the blades came in, since I knew in the back of my head that the heals weren't going to keep up with the dmg, but that was 100% me, and we finished a quick 2-rounder anyway.
SO, now that I bombarded you with all that, now we get to the ridiculous part...we start part5 in the middle for buffs, and keep Kasquick up till our healers fill ther SP. I handed out all fire resists and weapon buffs myself, since my arti is really just a crafter gimp, and not well built for spells. (so I stick to range at ~60dmg per bolt and runearm- Lucid Dreams) Once we get to the point where the healers are near full, our leader calls out to let everyone know when to take down Kasquick. About 20 seconds after that, our secondary healer is at full SP, and our primary healer says he's ready to go...nobody else said a thing, so everyone dives in on Kasquick, and we start in on Harry.
At least 30 seconds into the fight, if not a full minute, Harry is down to about 60-70%, and Artie#3 complains in party chat that he wasn't allowed to fill up his SPs, and that he's almost out. At that, 2 or 3 of us all tell him to run across the corner of one of the pools, and just range Harry while doing so, and it shouldn't be a problem (and the party leader apologizes for not realizing he needed his SP). About 10 seconds later, Harry's at just over half, and Artie#3 says in party chat "ok, now I'm completely useless", and I look at his SP bar, and it's sitting at 13, not increasing at all, so obviously he decided that runnng the pools is a waste of his time, even though he's aparrently useless without SP. Not long after that, the guy just drops group without another word. Seriously, an artie ragequits because we didn't give him enough time to recover his 1k SP, while our healers were both able to recover their 2500+, he didn't want to run pools to regain SP, and he is aparrently "useless" without SP??? Again, my arti is a crafting toon...not well built, with an int of around 30, and a dex around 20, and I can still put out ~150-200 dmg per volley with my xbow and another 400-1000 every max blast from my runearm. (Lucid Dreams - not runearm speccd at all) That may not be caster or max-str barb DPS, but it is far from useless. Artie#2 seemed to agree with me and the rest of the party that the whole thing was odd.
Anyways, just thought it was funny...most ridiculous thing I have seen in a long time. We did complete with no issues...good group all around, but that artie ragequitting was just funny as all heck. Oh, and funny thing was, the other artie thought he had grouped with him once before, and he did a similar ragequit then as well. Cool...well, I feel better now...I have a ridiculous ragequit thread that I got to post on the forums...yay!![]()