The Sealed Bard welcomes you to the stories of twenty two adventurers of Sarlona.
Guild: Eternal Wrath
- Adamance
- Bearspirit from the Crescent
- Caringarhy ninth of her name
- Dzhetdzhadin pur'Eyyam
- Enahy the Awoken
- Fleshweaver the Lord Heresiarch
- Greygale foremost Illumined
- Hornbeam sworn Bullthorn Pact
- Ilassu Yr
- Jsholisvirad
- Kayshmel sul Gati
- Lannsyr Saradha
- Merging device
- Novitiate of Thrall Cant
- Oroqis
- Palahatva Embergaze
- Quorr Qhostas
- Regnantmaker of Herald's Hall
- Spinfocus simulacrum
- Telind Lightdrinker's Liege
- Uraedien the late Noonmaker
- Vespertide Uncrowned
Wylkuu Indirian- Uilligehn eye of the Triarchs
- VyaSkurdos
- Whisperspell
- XeKeVe
- character name
"[roleplaying build name]"
[sex] [race], [past life detail]
[primary prestige-level] [secondary+tertiary prestige/class-level]
[primary epic destiny], [signature weapon]- Screenshots
- Biographies
- Assessment
- Progression
Ability scores
Feats- Enhancements
Spell Selection
Destiny allocation- Equipment
Maximum configurations
Trap sets- Companions
- Breakdowns
- Need
- Links
General Notes
- I have never and will never claim to build min-maxed, optimized characters. These are characters that have been designed for personal enjoyment, efficacy, and roleplaying.
- I absolutely welcome feedback and criticism, but please refer to #1—some suggestions I am unwilling to compromise on due to flavor concerns.
- This compendium is a work in progress and more for my own reference on the evolution of my characters and sharing in the public domain than it is as a guide for new players or otherwise.
- Some items in the list are projected and not completed.
- In all cases, item swaps are configured to provide maximum SP and actions (boosts, turn undead, bard song, etc) per shrine and then swapped out as these are depleted.
- Each character has at least one (or two, if TWF) bound minimum level disruptor/smiter/banisher/metalline+flametouched iron/large guild augment signature weapon, among other things. They do not exclusively use their signature weapon in situations where it may be to their detriment (i.e. non-bludgeoning weapons vs. skeletons).
- Some of items, particularly guild augment helms, have fanciful names made up for them to liven things up. Their list of enchantments should be explicit that they're crafted items and not hitherto undiscovered items except by me.
Bonus Type Parlance
Most item descriptions will be transcribed to either reflect exactly how the item displays in-game or corrected for accuracy. Some shorthand prefixes to denote modifier types include:
[example: enh-Jump+5 is a +5 enhancement bonus type to the Jump skill]
enh (enhancement), exc (exceptional), com (competence), ins (insightful), inh (inherent)
luc (luck), pro (profane), sac (sacred), mor (morale), pri (primal), ele (elemental), psi (psionic)
shi (shield), def (deflection)
equ (equipment spell power), imp (implement spell power),
cla (class), fea (feat), des (destiny), rac (racial)
yug (yugoloth), unt (untyped/unique), art (artifact), ? (unknown)