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  1. #1
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Default The Stunning Rogue (18 rogue / 1 monk / 1 druid; Str/Wis build)

    Below is my the current rogue that I am working on (inspired by WoWo’s “not your average rogue:”). He has high survivability, stunning fist/blow to ensure sneak attacks (and the helpless damage boost), can fill nearly all of the traditional rogue roles (trash and boss dps, traps, scroll healing/buffs/raises/etc, sneaky, bluff pulls, and suave with the ladies) while maintaining an amazing will save. Only thing I really had to give up was decent assassination ability, but with the high stunning dc and sense weakness, mobs usually die soon after being stunned anyway. The character has been a blast to play and handles nearly all content exceptionally (EE Into the swamp kind of sucks, but that is what EiN is for).

    I am using a lot of high level tomes, but the build really doesn’t need it – just get your stunning fist DC’s to at least 60, make sure you have enough dex for improved sneak attack (recommend at least a +2 wis tome and a +3 dex is nice), stop by the portable hole and House K vendors for a backpack full of scrolls and potions, put on your favorite handwraps and gogogo!

    I look forward to your comments and suggestions.

    Name: Ashenblade
    Class Split: 18 Rogue / 1 Monk / 1 Druid
    Race: Half-elf

    Str: 42 -- (14 base + 4 tome +4 lvl +7 item +2 insightful +1 litany + 2 rage +4 tensers +2 Rams +2 ship)
    Dex: 36 -- (16 base + 4 tome +1 lvl + 6 item +2 insight +1 litany + 4 tenser +2 ship +2 Stance)
    Con: 38 -- (16 base +4 tome +1 lvl +1 enh +7 item +2 insight + 1 litany +2 rage +4 tensers +2 ship - 2 Stance)
    Int: 26 -- (12 base +3 tome + 6 item +1 exceptional +2 insight +2 ship)
    Wis: 38 -- (14 base +4 tome +2 enh +7 item +3 insight +1 exceptional +4 ED +1 litany +2 ship)
    Cha: 20 -- (8 base +3 tome +6 item +1 litany +2 ship)

    Skills: Max: Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Disable Device, Search, Diplomacy, UMD, Move Silently. One rank in Tumble and 16 ranks in Open Lock

    Feats: Passive Past Life: Fighter, Passive Past Life: Rogue
    Base: Two-weapon Fighting (1), Half-elf Dilly: Monk (1), Sneak of Shadows (3), Toughness (6), Improved two-weapon Fighting (9), Stunning Blow (12), Precision (15), Greater two-weapon fighting (18), Improved Sneak Attack (21), Epic Toughness (24)
    Rogue: Improved Evasion (12), Opportunist (15), Slippery Mind (18)
    Monk: Stunning Fist (2)

    Rogue: Assassin III (8), Sneak Attack Accuracy IV (10), Sneak Attack Training IV (10), Damage Boost II (3), Move Silently II (2), Hide II (2), Subtle Backstabbing I (1), Haste Boost IV (10), Extra Action Boost II (6), Wand and Scroll Mastery II (3), Improved Trap Sense I (1)
    Druid: Druid Toughness I (1)
    Half-Elf: Versatility III (6), Adaptability: Wisdom (2), Monk Wisdom I (2), Half-elf improved recovery II (6), Human improved recovery II (6), Greater Adaptability: Strength (4), Racial Toughness II (3)

    Core Stats:
    Attack Bonus (Assume +6 weapon): 56 -- (14 base +3 epic + 16 str +4 morale +2 luck +6 tenser’s +4 item +1 fighter PL +6 weapon)
    HP: 754 (849 Stance) – (124 levels +50 epic +375 con +20 heroic +10 draconic +30 GFL +45 Shroud +30 Enh +27 feat +20 toughness +50 epic toughness) + 50 hp stance and +45 yugo (situational only)
    Fortification bypass: 45% (25% precision + 10% opportunist + 10% Piercing Clarity)
    Stunning Fist DC: 61 – (10 base + 14 wisdom + 12 levels +5 exc combat mastery +10 stunning +3 GMoF +6 tactics +1 fighter PL)
    Stunning Blow: 51 (10 base + 16 str + 5 exc combat mastery +10 stunning +3 GMoF +6 tactics +1 fighter PL)
    Threat Reduction: 50% (20% wolf cloak + 20% Tinker’s Goggles + 10 % Subtle Backstabbing)
    Fortification: 140% (100% heavy fort + 40% brace for impact)
    Healing Amp: 206%/247% (1.2 human recovery * 1.2 monk recovery * 1.3 PDK gloves * 1.1 ship * 1.2 TOD ring [situation]); Scroll Mastery 1.45%; Self cast heal scroll hits for 328 hp; large silver flame for 515 hp; small silver flame for 206 hp.
    Dodge: 13% standing (4% wolf cloak +6% uncanny + 2% Flurry + 1% Perfect Balance) , clickies of Improved uncanny dodge (50%), Scattering of Petals (25%)
    AC: 73 (10 base + 16 wis +13 dex +9 armor +4 shield spell + 3 barkskin pot + 5 deflection + 1 haste + 4 greater parrying + 2 protection from evil + 6 tensers)
    Miss Chance: 28%/55% = 20/50% Concealment (Blur/Displacement/solid fog clicky) * 10% Incorporeal (Golden Guile)*

    UMD: Always on: 45 -- (23 ranks +5 epic +5 Cha +3 competence +1 feat +2 luck +4 morale +1 profane +1 exceptional ) Situational: 52 (sometimes it is fun to cast PWK scrolls)
    Bluff/Diplo: 62 (23 ranks +5 epic +5 Cha + 20 item +1 feat +2 luck + 4 morale +1 profane +1 exceptional)
    Disable/Search: 71/64 (23 ranks +5 epic +8 Int + 20 item +1 feat +2 luck + 4morale +1 profane +7 tools)
    Open Lock: 74 (16 ranks +5 epic + 15 dex + 20 item +1 feat +2 luck +4 morale +1 profane +2 exc +7 tools)

    Fort: 43 – (10 base +2 epic +15 con +4 morale +6 resistance +4 insight +2 luck)
    Ref: 48/62 – (13 base +2 epic +14 dex +4 morale +6 resistance +4 insight +2 luck +3 night shield / +2 stance +4 uncanny +4 Versatility +2 enh +2 past life)
    Will: 43* – (10 base +2 epic +15 wis +4 morale +6 resistance +4 insight +2 luck)

    Epic Destiny – GMoF:
    Wisdom (4), Lily petal (1), A Dance of Flowers (3), Perfect Balance (1), Running with the Wind (3), Hail of Blows (1), Orchid Blossom (1), Piercing Clarity (2), Drifting Lotus (1), Scattering of Petals (1), Everything is Nothing (1)
    Twists: Fury of the Wild: Sense Weakness (4), Legendary Dreadnought: Legendary Tactics (1), Unyielding Sentinel: Brace for Impact (1) or Unearthly Reactions (1)

    Trinket: Litany / PLIS / epic Spyglass
    Head: Purple Dragon Helm
    Neck: epic Golden Guild (Greater False Life)
    Goggles: Tinker’s / Lens of the Woodsman
    Bracers: Bracers of the Sun Soul
    Body: Spider-spun Caparison +3 wiz
    Cloak: Adamantine Cloak of the Wolf / GS Haste clicky and +6 cha skills / GS Displacement clicky of +2 dex and Greater fire resist
    Ring: Kilau's Band (Holy Burst) / Seal of Avithoul (+2 insightful dex) / Heavy Fort ring w/LGA (only used when I need the cannith boots or TOD boots on) / TOD ring w/20% Healing Amp
    Boots: TOD boots / Mineral II +45 hp / Cannith Boots of Propulsion
    Gloves: Purple Dragon Knight / Tinkers Gloves (OL only)
    Belt: epic Spare Hand (luck, +6 Cha)
    Quiver: Quiver of Alacrity (upgraded)
    Weapons: Grave Wrappings, +7 Byeshk/Air/Earth/Water Alchemical, Endless night (lvl20), +5 Silver Anarchic Burst of Greater Lawful Outsider Bane, +5 Cold Iron Axiomatic Burst of Greater Chaotic Outsider Bane, +5 Adamantine, True Chaos of Greater Construct Bane, +4 Frost Burst & Flaming of Greater Elemental Bane, +4 Icy burst Axiomatic of Greater Dragon Bane
    Last edited by Andoris; 01-29-2013 at 05:22 PM. Reason: Updated based on below feedback/discussion

  2. #2
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    I guess you did dump INT, 8+3+6+2 != 26

    Whats the 1 Druid for, I dont get it?

  3. #3
    Community Member .Revenga.'s Avatar
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    Seems like a blast, solid gear and a fun build for sure.

    So a few questions:
    I never played druid, is the lvl only for the ram's might or does it get you more goodies? (enhancements maybe?)

    You're going to cast a tenser scroll every minute? Seems somewhat tedious to sustain, i'd categorize it under 'situational'.

    Then, where did you get that shard for your golden guile, been farming it for ages, not seen it once.. i'm using the heroic version now (most important stat is the imp deception), but the slot and +5bluff would be nice to have.

    Ofcourse i already told you that i prefer to build my rogue pure with more SA damage and a moderate assasinate, stun and trip. But i'm certainly not saying it's superior (It does rely heavily on past lives, high tomes and specific gear for one).
    Triumore - Triu - Broktar
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  4. #4
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    I guess you did dump INT, 8+3+6+2 != 26

    Whats the 1 Druid for, I dont get it?
    I think you mean Cha -- thanks for the catch (updated now), it amazing no matter how many times you re-read a build for errors one always slips through. Luckily, it didn't have any serious impact (had plenty of UMD to spare).

    The Druid level is primarily for access to Ram's might, its only 0.5 damage behind the extra sneak attack die that rogue 19 would grant me, but it also comes with +1 to hit, +1 to stunning blow, 10 hp and a nice boost to saves.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by .Revenga. View Post
    Seems like a blast, solid gear and a fun build for sure.

    So a few questions:
    I never played druid, is the lvl only for the ram's might or does it get you more goodies? (enhancements maybe?)

    You're going to cast a tenser scroll every minute? Seems somewhat tedious to sustain, i'd categorize it under 'situational'.

    Then, where did you get that shard for your golden guile, been farming it for ages, not seen it once.. i'm using the heroic version now (most important stat is the imp deception), but the slot and +5bluff would be nice to have.

    Ofcourse i already told you that i prefer to build my rogue pure with more SA damage and a moderate assasinate, stun and trip. But i'm certainly not saying it's superior (It does rely heavily on past lives, high tomes and specific gear for one).
    Covered druid goodies in the post above (also grants me access to Shillelagh, assuming I decided I wanted to play with Sireth). On Tenser's its 1:20 and yes, I keep it up a lot, usually whenever i see a decent sized pack of mobs if it is not up I cast it (unless it is EH and I am not worried, then I just use it for boss fights) -- then again we usually move through quests pretty quickly so it is not too bad, a stack of 100 will usually last me a couple of nights depending on what we are running.

    As for the golden guile shard, I feel your pain.. my wizard has been farming for a flameward shard/seal for ages with no luck. I seem to remember getting mine right after the pack came out and shards/seals were actually dropping with some regularity in that chain.

    One of the questions I had on the guile though, was if the improved deception stacked with the seal of Avithoul -- might need to do some tests on that at some point. (unless someone knows)

    At some point I will likely throw together a int/dex assassinate pure rogue (I have tones of gear laying around for one) but in the mean time, I am really enjoying the fast-paced nature of this build. Remember, that even though I am giving up 5d6 sneak dice (I know its more with Shadow dancer, but I could take that ED if I wanted to :-p), I am gaining +80% damage due to the stun (sense weakness and the helpless bonus) which makes up for a bunch of that.

    Out of curiosity, what are your stunning/trip dc's sitting at? Are you using purposed weapons for the tatics (maybe drow wps) or seal of dun'ro'bar (or both), maybe lots of fighter PL's and/or fighter half-elf dilly?
    Last edited by Andoris; 11-29-2012 at 07:02 PM.

  6. #6
    Community Member .Revenga.'s Avatar
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    At the moment my stun and trip DC (with tenser) are about the same as my assasinate DC: just under/at 50.

    When i get my abbot quiver/goldenguile shard i'm going to run 2 or 3 fitghter TR's (one with lessers, got my rogue PL's max'd out). That gets my tactics to low 50's.

    I've been using these numbers alot lately in EE content. Assasinate does land pretty regularly due to the 2 rolls you get (double ones are very rare). Tactics are around 40-50% on most mobs, but i try to focus them on casters/rangers so they land more often.

    On other difficulties they all land very well and it's a blast. Jump in, assasinate one/two, stun a third and kill it with a few hits, then bluff+trip a fourth one, rinse repeat.

    About the SA you're missing out on: My thoughts are that the haste+damage boost combo scales better and better the higher your damage gets, so i try to max it.

    For gear i use a +8str +10stunning goristro hide, a spare hand belt and a drow khopesh with +10 trip. I might start using a ring of dunrobar with sunder too (want my golden guile slot for that). Good base strenght with 3piece abi set etc. Hitting 50str isnt too hard, higher is possible with madstone/primal scream. Edit: Self buffed strenght is 46 atm it seems, but with bard/primal scream buffs you get to 50 easily. I'm still looking for that +4str tome... :-p
    Last edited by .Revenga.; 11-29-2012 at 07:24 PM.
    Triumore - Triu - Broktar
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  7. #7
    Community Member OrodelaSol's Avatar
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    looks like fun...why 16 dex? wouldnt extra pts in str or wis be better? jc

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by .Revenga. View Post
    At the moment my stun and trip DC (with tenser) are about the same as my assasinate DC: just under/at 50.

    When i get my abbot quiver/goldenguile shard i'm going to run 2 or 3 fitghter TR's (one with lessers, got my rogue PL's max'd out). That gets my tactics to low 50's.

    I've been using these numbers alot lately in EE content. Assasinate does land pretty regularly due to the 2 rolls you get (double ones are very rare). Tactics are around 40-50% on most mobs, but i try to focus them on casters/rangers so they land more often.

    On other difficulties they all land very well and it's a blast. Jump in, assasinate one/two, stun a third and kill it with a few hits, then bluff+trip a fourth one, rinse repeat.

    About the SA you're missing out on: My thoughts are that the haste+damage boost combo scales better and better the higher your damage gets, so i try to max it.

    For gear i use a +8str +10stunning goristro hide, a spare hand belt and a drow khopesh with +10 trip. I might start using a ring of dunrobar with sunder too (want my golden guile slot for that). Good base strenght with 3piece abi set etc. Hitting 50str isnt too hard, higher is possible with madstone/primal scream. Edit: Self buffed strenght is 46 atm it seems, but with bard/primal scream buffs you get to 50 easily. I'm still looking for that +4str tome... :-p
    Looks like fun! I had the same results on EE with my stunning blow (51dc) nearly swapped it out as it is a bit unreliable -- then again with your high sunder dc's you can always whittle them down to size, then assassinate or stun at your leisure.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by OrodelaSol View Post
    looks like fun...why 16 dex? wouldnt extra pts in str or wis be better? jc
    I need a base 21 dex to qualify for improved sneak attack. If I dropped it down it would just mean that I would need to put more level-ups into it. I am going to want a 15 dex early anyways (TWF), so just decided to start with the 16. It might be better to run a 15 dex/15 str starting and put the extra point into dex later, if you are worried about the extra point of str while running the early levels.

  10. #10
    Community Member goodspeed's Avatar
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    got the same build only 2 monk for the stuff the 2d lv gave.

    I maxed grandmaster then went to LD. to max that out. Gotta say having 9 boosts of haste and verse is pretty **** sweet. As well as the extra dmg from wailing on stunned things.

    I believe his dc stands at 52 in fire stance. Though it could be better as he has a +2 tome. Started him with 14 base, and put level ups into dex and str,

    However with these tomes everywhere, I'm thinking about redoing the level ups, and taking the 2 away from dex after finding the 5's that seem to be dropping all about.

    But, little quarks aside, I can honestly say it's by far the funnest melee Ive ever rolled. I actually compare him with my sorcerer. Both have dmg in spades and sheer survivability.
    Through avarice, evil smiles; through insanity, it sings.

  11. #11
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    Looks like a great fun. I love high heal amp unarmed rogue builds- fast paced, high damage, a bit of crowd control and high survivability. Only played 13/4/3 rogue/fighter/monk before and that was before the changes to uncanny dodge, so now they should do even better :P

  12. #12
    Community Member Pilgrim1's Avatar
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    I run a 19 rogue/1monk that i have been trying to get working DC's in stunning fist and assassinate. Sits at ~49dc assassinate and ~55 dc stunning fist - in shadowdancer.

    I would really like to be able to raise thoes values by 5 each, but havent seen a way to do it yet.

    Some thoughts on your build...

    1) I droped IC on mine because it didn't seem worth it, worked out to be ~1.5 dmg/hit for me. I replaced it with epic toughness which you can hit, you might think about it.

    2) You run stunning blow already, you might try running fighter delinquent for +2 stunning DC.

    3) Why do you run water stance, air stance gives 2.5% double strike and some attack boosts for when your not hasted. Seams like much better DPS.

    4) do the same values of threat reduction stack? you have 20% on 2 items. Even if they do stack there likely to stack multipicatly: 0.8*0.8*0.9 = 57%

    5) maybe Improved sunder for those nasty named mobs?

    6) are you sure about grandmaster of flowers as your destiny, shadowdancer has some nice stuff.

    fun build all around, love the dmg on these things, just insain

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pilgrim1 View Post
    I run a 19 rogue/1monk that i have been trying to get working DC's in stunning fist and assassinate. Sits at ~49dc assassinate and ~55 dc stunning fist - in shadowdancer.

    I would really like to be able to raise thoes values by 5 each, but havent seen a way to do it yet.

    Some thoughts on your build...

    1) I droped IC on mine because it didn't seem worth it, worked out to be ~1.5 dmg/hit for me. I replaced it with epic toughness which you can hit, you might think about it.

    2) You run stunning blow already, you might try running fighter delinquent for +2 stunning DC.

    3) Why do you run water stance, air stance gives 2.5% double strike and some attack boosts for when your not hasted. Seams like much better DPS.

    4) do the same values of threat reduction stack? you have 20% on 2 items. Even if they do stack there likely to stack multipicatly: 0.8*0.8*0.9 = 57%

    5) maybe Improved sunder for those nasty named mobs?

    6) are you sure about grandmaster of flowers as your destiny, shadowdancer has some nice stuff.

    fun build all around, love the dmg on these things, just insain
    1) Not married to IC: Bludgeoning, with low crit profile weapons like wraps it is not as needed as with other builds. I did run some numbers on it the other day when I was comparing it to ram's might. Found that due to all of the seeker gear it is close in damage to Ram's (a bit more on no-fort mobs and a bit less on high fort mobs). That being said -- Epic toughness is a great idea, just need to see if I feel I need the extra hp or not

    2) With my current life I am running the fighter dilly, decided to run with monk instead for the next life (build posted above) to boost up the healing amp. However, if you are having difficulties in getting your stunning over 60, fighter dilly is likely the better choice.

    3) To be fair I swap between stances a lot, water and air being the primary ones, and fire is used a lot while leveling (25% amp on jiz is fun while leveling). I really should do some more testing on it though, I likely would be fine being in air more often than I currently am (especially if I swap in more hp with epic toughness)

    4) I do know that threat reduction stacks, however; I am not sure if it is multiplicative or additive. I couldn't find any good references that gave a direction on it, and not really sure how I could test it myself. If someone could add clarity it would be helpful

    5) Going away from improved sunder was a tough choice for me (been bugging nearly everyone I have ran with in the last few days on if I should drop it or not). At the end of the day I couldn't justify it being worth 2 feats. Also with my Str only being in the 40's, its success rate on the high fort EE mobs just isn't high enough to be reliable. In my current life (18/2 build) I run it and it is fun, just don't find it optimal due to what you need to give up (likely SoS and IC)

    6) I am leveling though Shadow Dancer right now, and it is possible that something might change my mind on it, but I doubt it. The ability increases and assassinate boosts are unlikely to get me to a high enough assassinate DC to make it worth while (and the loss to stunning dc would be huge), Grim Precision is only 5% more than I get with GMoF, Executioner's Strike and consume look fun but I don't see it being better than the +6 to my stunning dc's, the fun that is EiN, and all the other goodies out of GMoF

    Thank you for the feedback

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodspeed View Post
    got the same build only 2 monk for the stuff the 2d lv gave.

    I maxed grandmaster then went to LD. to max that out. Gotta say having 9 boosts of haste and verse is pretty **** sweet. As well as the extra dmg from wailing on stunned things.

    I believe his dc stands at 52 in fire stance. Though it could be better as he has a +2 tome. Started him with 14 base, and put level ups into dex and str,

    However with these tomes everywhere, I'm thinking about redoing the level ups, and taking the 2 away from dex after finding the 5's that seem to be dropping all about.

    But, little quarks aside, I can honestly say it's by far the funnest melee Ive ever rolled. I actually compare him with my sorcerer. Both have dmg in spades and sheer survivability.
    Make sure you twist in Legendary Tactics, run with a +10 stunning item and +5 exc combat mastery and you should be hitting 60 (as long as you didn't neglect wisdom), even with a +2 tome. I will agree on the extra action boosts, it was hard giving those up for an extra 40% fort, but I finally convinced myself that it is hard to use the extra action boosts when you are dead :-) so the extra fortitude won out.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andoris View Post
    Make sure you twist in Legendary Tactics, run with a +10 stunning item and +5 exc combat mastery and you should be hitting 60 (as long as you didn't neglect wisdom), even with a +2 tome. I will agree on the extra action boosts, it was hard giving those up for an extra 40% fort, but I finally convinced myself that it is hard to use the extra action boosts when you are dead :-) so the extra fortitude won out.
    Oh ya he uses the epic spare hand tier 3 and slotted, and pimpslaps with those graves just about 24/7. I'm thinking of using a stun 10 ring, to switch off to a pure dmg set of wraps, though im kinda having trouble thinking of anything besides the graves. Maybe ivy wraps but idk i think graves are better. Alcheys but, hell ive got most of whats on em spread throughout gear now.

    And ya I know eventually i'll prolly have to go fort. I think I have 125 or 35 on em now. Never really feel a whole lot in dmg though, course I never bothered to buy the new pack as the gear didn't look worth anything, and he runs with displace on all the time.

    I just need a little bit more gear to fully flush em out. Gotta find that seal of golden guile, finish up the seeker cloak, get the other tod ring I need for extra dmg, and then I'd really like to find a +8 con guild slot set of boots.

    I have the epic brawlers now, but i'm thinking of trading those out for the knights gloves, then since those conflict with the monk bracers, i'll scrap those and take the helmet, and then maybe take the bracers and toss the GS hp heavy fort there.

    Then I'll make up the SA that the brawlers had using the SA and exceptional SA ring from the city. Basically trading base dmg for sa dmg but slotting in 30 amp in the process.

    The only thing is, I really wish you could use any armor piece with favor to complete the set. Cause that knights set would just kick ass.
    Through avarice, evil smiles; through insanity, it sings.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodspeed View Post
    Oh ya he uses the epic spare hand tier 3 and slotted, and pimpslaps with those graves just about 24/7. I'm thinking of using a stun 10 ring, to switch off to a pure dmg set of wraps, though im kinda having trouble thinking of anything besides the graves. Maybe ivy wraps but idk i think graves are better. Alcheys but, hell ive got most of whats on em spread throughout gear now.

    And ya I know eventually i'll prolly have to go fort. I think I have 125 or 35 on em now. Never really feel a whole lot in dmg though, course I never bothered to buy the new pack as the gear didn't look worth anything, and he runs with displace on all the time.

    I just need a little bit more gear to fully flush em out. Gotta find that seal of golden guile, finish up the seeker cloak, get the other tod ring I need for extra dmg, and then I'd really like to find a +8 con guild slot set of boots.

    I have the epic brawlers now, but i'm thinking of trading those out for the knights gloves, then since those conflict with the monk bracers, i'll scrap those and take the helmet, and then maybe take the bracers and toss the GS hp heavy fort there.

    Then I'll make up the SA that the brawlers had using the SA and exceptional SA ring from the city. Basically trading base dmg for sa dmg but slotting in 30 amp in the process.

    The only thing is, I really wish you could use any armor piece with favor to complete the set. Cause that knights set would just kick ass.
    Having the 140% fort really upped my survivability in EE content. Swapping the PDK in for Brawlers is a good idea as long as you can slot the SA somewhere else (Avithoul ring is awesome). You are giving up 2.5 pt of damage per swing, but I find that the 30% Healing amp is worth it. I wouldn't worry about the +2 insightful con overlap between the bracers and the gloves.. the parrying and +7 wis still make that item great. If you are running with the PDK helmet you are not going to gain much by having a +8 con item (and a +8 with an LGA will be very expensive). If you don't already have 30% striding somewhere, the new boots (Treads of falling shadow) can be a great item.

  17. #17
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    Default Some Adjustments

    Quote Originally Posted by Pilgrim1 View Post
    1) I droped IC on mine because it didn't seem worth it, worked out to be ~1.5 dmg/hit for me. I replaced it with epic toughness which you can hit, you might think about it.

    3) Why do you run water stance, air stance gives 2.5% double strike and some attack boosts for when your not hasted. Seams like much better DPS.
    After playing with the build over the weekend (and some thinking), I am leaning towards incorporating the above suggestions.

    The extra 50 hp from epic toughness will put me at 756hp when running in wind stance, and allow me to hit 806hp (before party buffs) allowing me to slap on another 20% healing amp (tod ring) and tank when needed. The loss of dps from IC will be more than made up for with the extra double strike %.

    With the inclusion of wind stance I am also debating on changing the destiny to drop "dance of flowers" to only 1 rank (+0.5[W]) and put two points into "running with the wind" for the extra 2% double strike.

    This change should give more dps, grant additional flexibility in the party roles the toon can fill, and still have high enough stunning dc's (62 stunning fist) and saves to get the job done.

    As always, happy for any suggestions/feedback

  18. #18
    2014 DDO Players Council
    Andoris's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Made some updates to the build:

    --Changed primary stance to be Air for the extra double strike (5.5%)
    --Modified the ED to support new stance
    --Removed IC in favor of epic toughness
    --Modified the primary alchemical wrap to be Air/earth/water to avoid the crushing wave effect of wiping out caster dots
    --Added yugo pot usage for areas in which I have been using them

  19. #19
    Community Member Anthios888's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    Looks pretty good, but needs some rouge.
    Rockan Robin . Rocka Red Emma . Roq Star . RockCandy Mountain . Rockna Delaflote | Build Index
    Co-Leader, Ghallanda ReRolled
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post
    it might make more sense for the player to re-roll.

  20. #20
    2014 DDO Players Council
    Andoris's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Anthios888 View Post
    Looks pretty good, but needs some rouge.
    Rocka, I know this may come as a surprise, but not everyone needs to look stunning in "rouge" scale to be uber. /jk

    I did think about running him in Red Scale though (just so I would fit in with family photos :-p ) but the loss of likely 1 dc to my stunning and 6 to my resistances didn't make the extra damage worth it (considering I am using wraps). Maybe if I get a second Avithoul ring (with +2 wis) I will think of situationaly swapping out the spider-spun for red scale.. but thats a lot of grind in the future

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