Below is my the current rogue that I am working on (inspired by WoWo’s “not your average rogue:”). He has high survivability, stunning fist/blow to ensure sneak attacks (and the helpless damage boost), can fill nearly all of the traditional rogue roles (trash and boss dps, traps, scroll healing/buffs/raises/etc, sneaky, bluff pulls, and suave with the ladies) while maintaining an amazing will save. Only thing I really had to give up was decent assassination ability, but with the high stunning dc and sense weakness, mobs usually die soon after being stunned anyway. The character has been a blast to play and handles nearly all content exceptionally (EE Into the swamp kind of sucks, but that is what EiN is for).
I am using a lot of high level tomes, but the build really doesn’t need it – just get your stunning fist DC’s to at least 60, make sure you have enough dex for improved sneak attack (recommend at least a +2 wis tome and a +3 dex is nice), stop by the portable hole and House K vendors for a backpack full of scrolls and potions, put on your favorite handwraps and gogogo!
I look forward to your comments and suggestions.
Name: Ashenblade
Class Split: 18 Rogue / 1 Monk / 1 Druid
Race: Half-elf
Str: 42 -- (14 base + 4 tome +4 lvl +7 item +2 insightful +1 litany + 2 rage +4 tensers +2 Rams +2 ship)
Dex: 36 -- (16 base + 4 tome +1 lvl + 6 item +2 insight +1 litany + 4 tenser +2 ship +2 Stance)
Con: 38 -- (16 base +4 tome +1 lvl +1 enh +7 item +2 insight + 1 litany +2 rage +4 tensers +2 ship - 2 Stance)
Int: 26 -- (12 base +3 tome + 6 item +1 exceptional +2 insight +2 ship)
Wis: 38 -- (14 base +4 tome +2 enh +7 item +3 insight +1 exceptional +4 ED +1 litany +2 ship)
Cha: 20 -- (8 base +3 tome +6 item +1 litany +2 ship)
Skills: Max: Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Disable Device, Search, Diplomacy, UMD, Move Silently. One rank in Tumble and 16 ranks in Open Lock
Feats: Passive Past Life: Fighter, Passive Past Life: Rogue
Base: Two-weapon Fighting (1), Half-elf Dilly: Monk (1), Sneak of Shadows (3), Toughness (6), Improved two-weapon Fighting (9), Stunning Blow (12), Precision (15), Greater two-weapon fighting (18), Improved Sneak Attack (21), Epic Toughness (24)
Rogue: Improved Evasion (12), Opportunist (15), Slippery Mind (18)
Monk: Stunning Fist (2)
Rogue: Assassin III (8), Sneak Attack Accuracy IV (10), Sneak Attack Training IV (10), Damage Boost II (3), Move Silently II (2), Hide II (2), Subtle Backstabbing I (1), Haste Boost IV (10), Extra Action Boost II (6), Wand and Scroll Mastery II (3), Improved Trap Sense I (1)
Druid: Druid Toughness I (1)
Half-Elf: Versatility III (6), Adaptability: Wisdom (2), Monk Wisdom I (2), Half-elf improved recovery II (6), Human improved recovery II (6), Greater Adaptability: Strength (4), Racial Toughness II (3)
Core Stats:
Attack Bonus (Assume +6 weapon): 56 -- (14 base +3 epic + 16 str +4 morale +2 luck +6 tenser’s +4 item +1 fighter PL +6 weapon)
HP: 754 (849 Stance) – (124 levels +50 epic +375 con +20 heroic +10 draconic +30 GFL +45 Shroud +30 Enh +27 feat +20 toughness +50 epic toughness) + 50 hp stance and +45 yugo (situational only)
Fortification bypass: 45% (25% precision + 10% opportunist + 10% Piercing Clarity)
Stunning Fist DC: 61 – (10 base + 14 wisdom + 12 levels +5 exc combat mastery +10 stunning +3 GMoF +6 tactics +1 fighter PL)
Stunning Blow: 51 (10 base + 16 str + 5 exc combat mastery +10 stunning +3 GMoF +6 tactics +1 fighter PL)
Threat Reduction: 50% (20% wolf cloak + 20% Tinker’s Goggles + 10 % Subtle Backstabbing)
Fortification: 140% (100% heavy fort + 40% brace for impact)
Healing Amp: 206%/247% (1.2 human recovery * 1.2 monk recovery * 1.3 PDK gloves * 1.1 ship * 1.2 TOD ring [situation]); Scroll Mastery 1.45%; Self cast heal scroll hits for 328 hp; large silver flame for 515 hp; small silver flame for 206 hp.
Dodge: 13% standing (4% wolf cloak +6% uncanny + 2% Flurry + 1% Perfect Balance) , clickies of Improved uncanny dodge (50%), Scattering of Petals (25%)
AC: 73 (10 base + 16 wis +13 dex +9 armor +4 shield spell + 3 barkskin pot + 5 deflection + 1 haste + 4 greater parrying + 2 protection from evil + 6 tensers)
Miss Chance: 28%/55% = 20/50% Concealment (Blur/Displacement/solid fog clicky) * 10% Incorporeal (Golden Guile)*
UMD: Always on: 45 -- (23 ranks +5 epic +5 Cha +3 competence +1 feat +2 luck +4 morale +1 profane +1 exceptional ) Situational: 52 (sometimes it is fun to cast PWK scrolls)
Bluff/Diplo: 62 (23 ranks +5 epic +5 Cha + 20 item +1 feat +2 luck + 4 morale +1 profane +1 exceptional)
Disable/Search: 71/64 (23 ranks +5 epic +8 Int + 20 item +1 feat +2 luck + 4morale +1 profane +7 tools)
Open Lock: 74 (16 ranks +5 epic + 15 dex + 20 item +1 feat +2 luck +4 morale +1 profane +2 exc +7 tools)
Fort: 43 – (10 base +2 epic +15 con +4 morale +6 resistance +4 insight +2 luck)
Ref: 48/62 – (13 base +2 epic +14 dex +4 morale +6 resistance +4 insight +2 luck +3 night shield / +2 stance +4 uncanny +4 Versatility +2 enh +2 past life)
Will: 43* – (10 base +2 epic +15 wis +4 morale +6 resistance +4 insight +2 luck)
Epic Destiny – GMoF:
Wisdom (4), Lily petal (1), A Dance of Flowers (3), Perfect Balance (1), Running with the Wind (3), Hail of Blows (1), Orchid Blossom (1), Piercing Clarity (2), Drifting Lotus (1), Scattering of Petals (1), Everything is Nothing (1)
Twists: Fury of the Wild: Sense Weakness (4), Legendary Dreadnought: Legendary Tactics (1), Unyielding Sentinel: Brace for Impact (1) or Unearthly Reactions (1)
Trinket: Litany / PLIS / epic Spyglass
Head: Purple Dragon Helm
Neck: epic Golden Guild (Greater False Life)
Goggles: Tinker’s / Lens of the Woodsman
Bracers: Bracers of the Sun Soul
Body: Spider-spun Caparison +3 wiz
Cloak: Adamantine Cloak of the Wolf / GS Haste clicky and +6 cha skills / GS Displacement clicky of +2 dex and Greater fire resist
Ring: Kilau's Band (Holy Burst) / Seal of Avithoul (+2 insightful dex) / Heavy Fort ring w/LGA (only used when I need the cannith boots or TOD boots on) / TOD ring w/20% Healing Amp
Boots: TOD boots / Mineral II +45 hp / Cannith Boots of Propulsion
Gloves: Purple Dragon Knight / Tinkers Gloves (OL only)
Belt: epic Spare Hand (luck, +6 Cha)
Quiver: Quiver of Alacrity (upgraded)
Weapons: Grave Wrappings, +7 Byeshk/Air/Earth/Water Alchemical, Endless night (lvl20), +5 Silver Anarchic Burst of Greater Lawful Outsider Bane, +5 Cold Iron Axiomatic Burst of Greater Chaotic Outsider Bane, +5 Adamantine, True Chaos of Greater Construct Bane, +4 Frost Burst & Flaming of Greater Elemental Bane, +4 Icy burst Axiomatic of Greater Dragon Bane