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  1. #1
    Hatchery Hero Tenchi's Avatar
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    Oct 2009

    Default EiN for Pure Cleric

    I am moving my pure Cleric towards this direction just because I think it would be fun to play and will give me more options with one character -- I can play him as a pure healbot with AC and HP from Unyielding Sentinel


    I can play him as a melee, staff (Staff from CITW) wielding monk (less HP and AC, no evasion ) with EiN and higher DCs from increased Wis. Fun right?

    At the end of it all, I just want to have fun and do my healbot for healing intensive raids/quests and use my clonk build for easier quests.

    Some thoughts and questions:

    + Not sure if I should consider doing a lesser reincarnation and take up Evasion... I really want to keep my capstone
    + TRing is not an option. This toon has all my Favor.
    + Maybe this is too idealistic... pure clerics should just stick to casting implosion and destruction for their kills
    + Maybe it is a better Solo build for Easy/Hard quests. Not for groups.
    + Right now my Clonk gear is my cleric gear swapped with my CITW staff and those black ninja robes (Exc Wis +3). Gear advice? Preferrably not too far that it hinders my healing/spellcasting
    + Is there a way to increase the amount of damage I make -- right now I do 30-50 per swing; 300-500 per Lily Petal/Orchid Blosson
    + Is 580 base HP survivable?
    + Will you hate me if I forget to heal you in this build?

    TLDR: Is a Pure Cleric with on Grandmaster of Flowers with EiN too crazy of a build?
    Last edited by Tenchi; 11-28-2012 at 09:00 PM.
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  2. #2
    Community Member TheHolyDarkness's Avatar
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    I'm an highly experienced cleric monk of the 17/3 variety. My base hits do around 50ish damage per attack with my fist, 68ish-82ish damage with my swords, and that's with a base str of only 12 given that he's a halfling (not mentioning the SA damage). And yes I still heal just fine. On Epic Elite. Hell, more than fine. My cleric monk laughs at Epic Elite given his DC 51-58 stunning fist (based on twists and active destiny) while my FvS has, until recently, struggled to heal on that level.

    So its not that I don't relate to a reliance on implosions and stuff as its something I'm oft to do on my pure favored soul. Yet having fully geared her lately, I come to realize that incorporating some melee upon yourself is always good. You don't want the expenditure of SP to be the sole means that you can kill things as a healer.

    What's your race and feats by the way?

    As for gear, one of the keys to being a cleric monk I've discovered is to consolidate all your spell casting needs onto one item as best as you can. For this, I'll recommend either the Adamantine Cloak of the Dragon, or a Mask of Comedy/Tragedy.

    The importance of this is so you can free up the rest of your slots for monk stuff. You have a Spider Spun Comprasion. Good. Now then, find a way to fit the Bracers and Belt of the Sun-Soul onto yourself, get your 375 PDK favor if you don't have it already, and upgrade that Spider Spun. Also, consider the Ring of the Stalker from House Cannith Challenges for additional damage in the form of Seeker and Sneak Attacks.

    Now, again, you say you're a pure 20 cleric and as a pure FvS I understand and respect that. I'll tell you that Grandmaster of Flowers is an insanely awesome destiny as I'm sure you're discovering. But this is especially if you have monk levels. Are you absolutely sure you can't let go of your capstone in exchange for 2 or 3 monk levels? In exchange you could gain Stunning Fist, Evasion, maybe some THF as well. Much in the way of my clonk's sick damage comes from the boost Grandmaster gives so long as you're in stance (fire and air in particular).

    Lastly, now that you have a CitW item, don't forget to upgrade it with a planar focus of prowess. For myself, I use the +3 Str variant. Exceptional Str +1 was put on his stalker ring to even things out. So you combine this +4 boon to str with the +4 atk/dmg from the foci set along with the +2 atk/dmg with the Sun Soul Set Bonus, then further amply this with the +[W] granted by GMoF Fire Stance and a LD improved power attack twist (not to mention the +2 str inherent for just being in fire stance), and I'll leave it to your imagination how much more damage you could do. Oh, and imagine throwing the Titan's Grip clickie and the occasional Yugo Pot on top of this damage amplifying dogpile. Just to be sure.*

    Speaking strictly for myself, I'll tell you with a straight face that my cleric monk is currently the best melee killer I've ever built outside of my Frenzied Beserker (and I've built warchanters, paladins, and tempest rangers). People have noticed and acknowledged my clonk as a shockingly legitimate killer who somehow retains an elite-standard heal output. So can you be.

    Again, please provide your feats, and continue to make a decision as to whether staying pure is fully worth it to you.

    Oh, and here, let me link you to another post I made on this topic with a bit more details as to my particular breakdown. Maybe something about it will also get the noggin going.

    ~TheHolyDarkness Out~

    *[EDIT: Oh shoot. I forgot to mention the sneak attack damage again thanks to CCove gloves and a stalker ring. Or the manslayer and seeker for that matter. Or the insult added to injury against bosses thanks to a Divine Power that you remembered to boost with Greater Brilliance potions, available at House Jorasco. Bah, now he'll imagine too low. Oh well]
    Last edited by TheHolyDarkness; 11-30-2012 at 08:25 PM.
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  3. #3
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    + TRing is not an option. This toon has all my Favor.
    What does that have to do with anything? Account unlocks like Drow, FvS, 32 point builds are permanent once acquired. You could delete the character that got those things, and still retain them.

    Plus when you TR, you can get the favor again for extra TP.
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

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