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  1. #1
    The Hatchery ferrite's Avatar
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    Dec 2009

    Default Yet another idea on how to fix Guild Renown

    I think Turbine, and the community in general, is making this far more complicated than it needs to be. A successful guild system is one without formulas, decay or other such nonsense. The solution needs to be simple, adaptable and fair for everyone.

    I propose radical changes to the system.


    1. GET RID OF GUILD RENOWN and its accompanying renown 'score' altogether. This errant concept has been at the root of every problem with guilds in DDO since their inception. All problems stem from it.. decay, guild size, complaints on decay and guild size.. on and on. Get rid of the cause of a problem, you get rid of the problem! So simple. Renown and reward trophies are both immediately removed from the game.

    2. The player's total patron favor score now serves as the determinant, and upon member recruitment is immediately added to an INVISIBLE score calculated secretly for each guild; no guild knows what their score is. (this is done purposefully, since guild reputation can never truly be measured by a numerical score) In addition, each member contributes +1 point to their guild, per day, for longevity as long as they remain in the guild. If a player leaves a guild any reason, ALL favor they contributed is immediately removed from the unknown guild score.

    *A note on TR's: This is an issue, however just because a player TR's or is 'reborn' gives no additional benefit.. patron and thus guild renown restarts at 0 for that player; however, longevity still applies, and that player gets to keep any +1 per day longevity renown they had when they TR.


    Generally stay as they are, but with changes:

    3a. Buff stations now require a ML to use. Meaning you can no longer buff to 400% uber-power right as you step off the ship from Korthos. Low levels generally will be matched better with smaller guilds, and vice-versa.

    3b. NPC's generally treat guilds with higher reputation, better. Slight discounts, a few new 'under the counter' items to buy, and additional services are available, on a sliding scale, to guilds with high reputation. Guilds with very high reputations may receive letters from various patrons for special one-time and periodic quests, with special rewards. This is important to give organized guilds something tangible to strive for, in lieu of a pointless 'guild renown' score that serves no purpose.

    Obviously these ideas will throw the game and guilds into a brief period of chaos as they attempt to reorganize themselves, but overall should fix most if not all problems with guilds.

    I may have more to add to this at some point.

  2. #2
    Community Member Falco_Easts's Avatar
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    Mar 2007


    Honestly, I like it. Similar to what I suggested not long ago. Base guild renown/points off actions rather then just looting. Favour is probably the easiest we to do it.

    I might suggest a change to averaging the favour score on characters that have stepped inside a private instance. That way it guild size plays no part in it and also players who log on but don't quest aren't counted. The higher the average favour of the guild, the better off they are.

    Also rares/explorer count towards it somehow even though no favour is awarded?
    A friend will bail you out of jail.
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  3. #3
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    Just like today's system with no size based decay, your system encouraged massive guilds and leaves small guilds out in the cold. A guild with a thousand noobs that each only do korthos would be more favoured than a guild of six with max current favor.

    Add a "divide by number of characters in guild" and you'd have something fair to all sized guilds. Of course heavy tr guilds would be hurting due to the loss of favor but so would bank happy guilds.
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  4. #4
    Community Member Kennyburns's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ferrite View Post

    Generally stay as they are, but with changes:

    3a. Buff stations now require a ML to use. Meaning you can no longer buff to 400% uber-power right as you step off the ship from Korthos. Low levels generally will be matched better with smaller guilds, and vice-versa.

    3b. NPC's generally treat guilds with higher reputation, better. Slight discounts, a few new 'under the counter' items to buy, and additional services are available, on a sliding scale, to guilds with high reputation. Guilds with very high reputations may receive letters from various patrons for special one-time and periodic quests, with special rewards. This is important to give organized guilds something tangible to strive for, in lieu of a pointless 'guild renown' score that serves no purpose.

    Obviously these ideas will throw the game and guilds into a brief period of chaos as they attempt to reorganize themselves, but overall should fix most if not all problems with guilds.

    I may have more to add to this at some point.
    Basically If you are a TR you need to have multiple guilds that you swap between at different levels or you will ultimately fail
    Or are we gonna go by saying that a 2nd life lvl 1 is lvl 21-26 cus that would just ruin that plan even more....
    Basically You want "Special Services" for your unknown number figured out by how much favor you get
    You want all the high levels to drag the new players through content on elite for favor with no XP that is only there till they leave
    I think even making every world have hunt halflings day was a better idea...
    (Every Halfling in the game is automatically Brawlable even in the taverns where they res to)
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  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ferrite View Post
    I think Turbine, and the community in general, is making this far more complicated than it needs to be. A successful guild system is one without formulas, decay or other such nonsense. The solution needs to be simple, adaptable and fair for everyone.

    I propose radical changes to the system.
    It may be simpler to try JOTMON's ideas to revamp the house P buffs here

    Ok, let's see....I'll just go through my list of the VTF (Vargouille/Tshober/Faxe ) criteria for any new renown system:

    []0. There should always be an incentive to buy even more renown potions and airship amenities.

    []1. There should never be an incentive to kick a player because of the renown they earn.

    []2. There should always be a renown incentive to invite a player to your guild.

    []3. All guilds should be able to advance and not hit a wall that totally stops them from advancing.

    []4. Guilds that earn the most renown should level up the fastest.

    []5. The speed with which guilds level up should be roughly proportional to the amount of renown they earn.

    []6. The system should feel fair.

    []7. The system should not promote any guild size.

    []8. The system should not have any hidden formula.

    []9. The system should not have decay.

    These criteria are ranked in order of importance. e.g. any system that fails either #0 or #1 will never work.

  6. #6
    The Hatchery ferrite's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Falco_Easts View Post
    Honestly, I like it. Similar to what I suggested not long ago. Base guild renown/points off actions rather then just looting. Favour is probably the easiest we to do it.
    Thanks, the idea is still in its evolution. I agree the favor system is already in place and works well, so why not use it for something useful as well?

    Quote Originally Posted by Falco_Easts View Post
    Also rares/explorer count towards it somehow even though no favour is awarded?
    My initial thought is, no, and here's my reasoning on this.

    Explorer 'areas' are akin to venturing out in the wilderness for battle practice. No quest is given, no damsel in distress to rescue, so no one to report on heroic deeds undertaken to the king or patron of the land. Tying favor into guild reputation is the best way to measure, and unless something specific in a wilderness area would give favor, then I can't see this happening. Experience and treasure are sufficient rewards for practicing your skills in a wilderness area.

    Appreciate the feedback.

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