So... With Update 17 and the rumored upgrade to Epic GH quests..... What are the chances Devs that Vale quests / Shroud will get an Epic boost? I'd love to upgrade my greensteel weapons to epic levels...
Juat ask'n.
So... With Update 17 and the rumored upgrade to Epic GH quests..... What are the chances Devs that Vale quests / Shroud will get an Epic boost? I'd love to upgrade my greensteel weapons to epic levels...
Juat ask'n.
Blackmoor Defenders (LVL - 193)
Ghallanda ...Lhazaar 2006
Forum-ID u779 : Guild Leader of The Blackmoor Defenders
Really psyched for pic GH, please make this happen devs.
Epic bluescale, I want!
I forsee a Power Ranger party.
Epic Red Dragon Armor
Epic Green Dragon Armor
Epic White Dragon armor
Epic Black Dragon Armor
Epic Blue Dragon Armor.
Still missing the Epic Pink Dragon Armor... hmm maybe a Dragon armor dye kit .....
Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
Jotmon (HC 34/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 12/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 116/158)
Jotlock (HC 38/45 , RC 25/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 75/158)
Whatthetruck (HC 38/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 111/158)
~ *Nikibrik* - The Arbiter of Life & Death | Brogburt - The Warlord | Capricio - The Lore-keeper | Rubrik - The Grove Protector | Kallistie - The Arch Necromancer | Thorbim - The Outlaw ~Thelanis ~ <Dwarven Weapons and Tactics>
While I woudl love epic shroud, I think making green steel any more complicated would be a mess to figure out wht to do with it. Maybe add a fourth epic tier?
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Epic versions of the Vale quests? Sure - sign me up!
Epic Shroud and Epic Greensteel? No thank you.
Greensteel has ruled the roost as far as gear is concerned until just recently. It's still very significant gear for many many levels. It's been this way for four years. I'm sick and tired of Greensteel - and would hate to go back to that being the end-all-be-all. It had it's day, and thankfully the sun seems to be finally setting on that day.
Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane
I can't imagine Shroud ever being upgraded to epic, the game direction appears, for the present at least, to be avoiding the old fashioned "grind" in favour of loot drops. Add to the mix that plenty of "new loot" is bound on equip and many players are by now habitual "farmers", I think it inevitable that eventually everyone will have everything.
Last edited by Franke; 11-28-2012 at 01:42 PM. Reason: Spelling error
I think we will see an epic version of the vale quests and the Shroud. We may see an epic version of the Greensteel stuff which may consist of some small basic boosts, such as increases to +8 state boosts, weapon base damage increases and at one point there was discussion of GS Armor and Shields. Epic items could just simply be an addition of a colored slot as well. It doesn't need to be overcomplicated.
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I agree, but they painted themselves into a corner in doing so. A bad corner - and one that has frankly stymied nearly all other loot relevance and growth since it's inception. Greensteel has been around for nearly five years now, the majority of this game's life-span - and it's a sad sign of overall game growth and development that it's still king after this much time. They made it too good for it's time - so good they've been afraid to do anything significant since.
I'm bored with Greensteel, and have been for a long time. I'd be happy if we just moved on, or at least didn't fall back on the GS crutch for future loot. I'd frankly rather see the game evolve then reheat the leftovers of the past. And I'd love to see the Devs have the balls to make something that'd shake up loot a bit more then they have.
Sorry Mem, but the only thing killing future loot advancement is Turbine. It's not the eSoS, it's not GS, and it's not the torc.
It is a lack of creativity and the lack of paying attention to good advice given about loot design for years.
Shade had this right all along. You want valuable loot you make more powerful loot in certain situations not more powerful loot all around. You just run out of desirable items really fast if everything is a best in slot thing or everything is just a mishmash of abilities.
Proud Recipient of At least 8 Negative Rep From NA Threads.
Main: Sharess
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Everyone was thrilled to have Genasi update items because, even if he didn't quite make the sweeping advancements that one may envision, he did listen to the player base. He crafted items that were desirable for a particular function that appealed to many builds that did not trump other items.
He followed the crowd-sourced, best-informed information possible: that of the players.
Any sensible player knows that we don't need a greensteel upgrade. It more than fulfills its function--it actually monopolizes gear for almost half the game, which is a terrible thing. If anything, we need more customizable loot just below greensteel (lvl 7-11) and just above greensteel, around where dragontouched armor is (lvl 16+) that isn't tier1 alchemical (only customizable as far as its base item, metal, and one tier of effects).
Also, if anyone advocates MORE SHROUD GRINDING, I send you a complimentary punch in the face. Go play WoW.
Character Compendium
Sarlona*Eternal Wrath
The versatility to build items to fit my playstyle appealed to me much more than building my toon to fit static weapons/gear.
Shroud offered every class build/combination an option to craft equally desirable powerful items (except shields and handwraps).
Every player running shroud would expect to craft 2 or more gear pieces and 2 or more weapons and still be thinking of other variations to make.
Several Shroud items are still usefull through epic and endgame and still not surpassed by endgame drops.
Want to build a dex based rogue light pick user, np craft up a pair of Greensteels.
Try and find decent named light picks in the game... good luck they dont exist, force build your toon to use something else.
Flexibility and versitility has allways been a strong draw for the game in my opinion.
Post Shroud in my opinion the biggest failure from the static loot is the narrow perspective. While probably easier for the design team it funneled players into more restricitive options. My clerics run CiTW already knowing there is nothing of any worth except the hopes of +4 tomes. The rest of Eveninstar is not much better, there is nothing here to keep me coming back for more.
In most cases we are being cattle driven to build toons around endgame gear to achieve endgame greatness.
There is very little wiggle room to build a toon to fit personal vision.
Horc Greatclubs, Dwarven Warhammers, etc.... are not realistically viable endgame options. Sure you can build them but they are flavor gimps vs speccing into specific exisiting endgame named items that have the real power.
I would hope the custom crafting comes back around with epic greensteels, or some variation there of.
All this with the enhancment pass tweaking up racial enhancments and class enhancements.
I want to see a Halfling lightpick dex based rogue (w/dex to damage feats) with epic greensteels and think... oohhh i bet those sneak attack crits hurt.
A Horc w/Epic Greensteel Club next to a Human eSOS wielder and be able to go hmmm....wonder which one does more damage.. i bet its pretty close.....
Looking forward to seeing Feathers makeover of the epic slots/guild slots, I hope will be a corrective rework as opposed to a destructive rework and allow me to build toons to fit my vision and not force me to build the same static toon as everyone else and questing for the exact same weapons/gear.
Last edited by JOTMON; 11-28-2012 at 04:43 PM.
Argo: Degenerate Matter - 200
Jotmon (HC 34/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 12/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 116/158)
Jotlock (HC 38/45 , RC 25/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 75/158)
Whatthetruck (HC 38/45 , RC 42/42 , IC 15/21 , EC 51/51 , RP 111/158)
Personaly I think the only thing they need to do with Greensteel to "epic"-ify them is to add augment slots. Thats it. With the augment/slot overhaul that would make the Greensteel well worth the investment. Epic Vale would be a nice selling point for Turbine also.
Last edited by ThreeEyedBob; 12-03-2012 at 09:22 AM.
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Rather than making Vale/shroud epic, I'd love to see an advanced version of GS.
Using the alchemical process of LOB make the same idea, but epic versions. Perhaps add mats outside of that raid, in some new content like Shroud mats that are found in Devil Assult, and Amrath, etc.
for example:
Alchemical Concordant Opposition. Like GS Conc-op but higher SP/HP return and/or proc rate. +8 wis/+15 haggle
Alchemical Min II. Superior Fortification 175%. +6 Natural Armor. Barrier of Scales Clicky (as Draconic ED)
Alchemical Wizard's Orb: +120 Spell power in a chosen (not random) element. One clicky of a spell of your choice (massive list of clickys to choose from: D-door, teleport, Stone Skin, Mass Death Ward, etc)
NO NO NO to epic gianthold. I have run both these packs to death. If i have to run cabal for one or pop or madstone crater more only on harder settings i might go insane. What we need right now is a brand new FR pack with 3 real nice end game raids with fresh epic loot crafting system. Im not opposed to a grind but grinding these quests more than i already have just dont get it. No more epic old stuff. Epic NEW stuff please specifically good raids.