Just a listing of items I have that I don't need and are available for trade. PST with offers.
Really in need of the +3/5 heart of wood atm, so let me know
Looking For:
+3 or +5 Lesser/Greater Heart of Wood
Yellow Dopants
Jinx's Vexation
+8 Intel Ring (Ring only) could do straight trade for my +8 Wisdom ring
FRDS, LDS, point codes (Hey, I can wish), etc....
Have for Sale/Trade:
+3 Cha Tome
Docent of Defiance
Red Augment Crystal of Devils Ruin
Red Augment Crystal of Demon's Ruin
Wise +8 Ring of the Eagle (Spot) +13 ML: 24 RR: None
Skyvault Shield ML: 12
2 Flawless RED Dragon Scales
Epic Scrolls ~Alphabetical~:
Antique Greataxe
Belt of the Mroranon
Blademark's Docent
Bracers of the Claw
Brawn's Spirits
Brimstone Verge
Cacophonic Verge
Cloak of the Silver Concord
Coronation Shield
Darkstorm Helm
Deneith Heavy Chain
Docent of Grace
Dragon's Eye
Elder's Cap
Full Plate of the Ringleader
Fury of the Flames
Garos' Malice
Greatclub of the Scrag
Hellfire Crossbow
Helm of the Mroranon
Hruvayah's Medallion
Illusionist's Robe
Infested Armor
Ironweave Robe
Kronzek's Cruelty
Kundarak Delving Boots
Kundarak Delving Suit
Lumunous Truth
Mask of Comedy
Necklace of the Azure/Crimson/Silver Prophecy
Rakshasa Hide
Raven's Sight
Raven's Talons
Ring of Spell Storing
Ring of the Mire
Ring of the Silver Concord
Ruby Encrusted Gauntlets
Shaman's Band
Shield of the Scorpion
Stonemeld Plate
Sword of Shadow
Templar's Justice
Templar's Retribution
Vulkoorim Fighting Leathers
Winters Wrath