Hello, as the title says, I am looking for a 28 point human druid/monk build and guide. No TR, and no 32 point build yet (f2p)...

With the druid, I am looking to have high melee dps, as wolf or bear - whichever would provide the higher dps, but also looking to have some spellcasting ability, throw out some cc/aoe spells and then fight the mobs in them. Also wanting to have some points towards healing, for self healing, and the occasional heal to the group if its needed.

If anyone would be able to create, or direct me to a build, I would be very grateful.

I went with the monk for the higher evasion and extra feats, rather than going with rogue for evasion and traps.

Also have a few questions on the combination, I read somewhere that an ideal weapon setup would be to have a Damage based Kama in the main hand, and a spell(potency)/vertigo in the offhand, is this any good?

Also, is the character considered centered, while in the animal forms, if wearing Outfits + Ki weapons?

My character is currently a lvl 4/2 druid/monk - so only just starting, but would like as much info on the build that I can get out of it.

If anyone wants to speak with me directly about it, I can be found on the server Thelanis, my characters name is Aelthal.

For my druid, the following list is what i would like:

High melee dps
High evasion
Moderate offensive spell damage
Moderate healing
and above all, survivability

Right now my druid is getting hit way to much and way to hard, so I am wondering if there is any way I can change that... I still have my free Lesser Reincarnation, atm I am just messing around with the build some until I find a propper build, and then will switch.