Charmed Ones is a level 63 guild on Orien. We typically play between about 9 pm and 12 pm, PST weeknights and variable times on the weekends. We are fairly laid back, alternating between heroic content and epics as we run content that our various guildies need stuff from. We prefer laid back players that play at least once per week during this time frame (more is terrific), have purchased multiple packs or are VIP, and that can handle some profanity over voice chat (we have one guildie who has self-control “issues”, we enjoy the entertainment value of his rants).
Please be aware that we would like to run with you for a night or two to see if you are a good fit. If you join the group and the first words out of your mouth/in party chat are “guild invite plz”, expect a rapid group removal. I am on the toons in my signature about half the time and a few new builds not listed. You can also contact me via PM here, I usually check in once every couple of days or so.