Ok I'm using my boyfriends account to post this cuz I can't access mine.

Back in June my EX boyfriend hacked my account I finally got it back and changed the password right away I only played a few weeks after that and havent tried to log in for almost 5 months I bought the expack wanted to add it to my account and found that none of the passwords I think my password is are right.
None of the e-mail addresses I have access to anymore have my account info linked to them.

I can give proof that I own the account with Past Passwords, Toon Equiptment, Advantures Packs, VIP Status & Times & the card holder info.
Even when I search my toon names on MyDDO it says
"This character has been archived. To see this character's data, please log in with the character."

Please contact me at <removed> I would really like to start playing again.