This is my list for a wizard end game gear, I don't think it can get any better than this.
Since you're an arch mage, the bracers won't be good for you because you'll get negative levels, feel free to swap it.
I would start with getting the boots of corrosion, the scroll can be bought, seal can be farmed and the shard... well if you're running with friends I'm sure they'll pass it to you. Tip: Epic elite chrono has a MUCH greater chance of dropping seals and shards than epic hard.
Slot the boots with +1 exceptional int and either toughness or +2 luck (Probably go with luck because you won't be using the robe of shadow anyway.)
In any case, I strongly suggest switching to pale master.
The robe of shadow can be bought, same as the +8 int.
Head: Green steel helmet of Mineral II with SP. (Using a yugoloth potion will decrease your fortificatoin by 50%, you want to keep it above 100 at all times)
Goggles: Generic goggles of +8 intelligence. Not easy to come by, not cheap to buy, but a must.
Armor: Spidersilk robe with +3 insightful intelligence
Bracers: Epic bracers of the demon consort slotted with greater false life (+6 dexterity too if you want, no where else to put it)
Ring 1: Any ToD ring with +6 str +1 exceptional con(slotted with +2 insightful constitution) . You want the str so you will be able to carry heavy loads.
Ring 2: Epic ring of the element essences. Still trying to get something better
Gloves: Green steel gloves of concordant opposition with HP
Boots:Epic boots of corrosion slotted with +1 exceptional intelligence and toughness
(If you are NEVER going to remove your spidersilk, then slot it with +2 luck instead.)
Belt: Generic belt with +8 constitution (Mine also has 13 balance, I got lucky)
Cloak: Adamantine cloak of the dragon (+2 to all DCs, hurray)
Trinket: Litany of the dead))
Necklace: Torc of prince Rayum
Weapons: Generic combination of scepters that will amp your two main elements. In my case: 1 Magnetism of Cold mastery and Glaciation of electric mastery \ Staff of the necromancer \ Alchemical large shield: Crystal, teir 1 Mystical air, teir 2 martial earth (Good for active blocking, more HP, amp your first element). \ Alchemical scepter: byeshk, teir 1 mystical water, teir 2 mystical water, teir 3 mystical earth.
That is my main setup.