I was in a VoN5-6 raid a few days ago and the raid leader said his character has a standing 56 Reflex Save. He had a Fighter Icon with a ki bar, so I know that he's mostly Fighter with some Monk.

Nellas D'Baerne, my Legend Drow 18 Paladin/2 Monk only has a standing Evasion roll of +47. Ship buffs and GH get her to a 52 Evasion roll. I've seen her Reflex Save as high as 56 and my Monk (Thubin) and Rogue (Anguirel) are wondering if I was too cheap in my investments for their Evasion roll.

How high an Evasion roll can one get with a Fighter Icon with Monk levels?

Guild Chat in Loreseekers indicates that Half Elf Dilletante with Paladin levels and Monk levels might get a standing 56 Evasion roll, but I was hoping for some input, here.