I am considering making a chest blessing trapper on a 2nd account - most likely a bard/rogue.
This will only be for utility and maybe bluff pulling - not something I will actively be playing in combat.
Its a 32 point build.
My thoughts are
Classes: 18 bard / 2 rogue (but open for other suggestions)
Stats: 8 str / 16 dex / 14 con / 14 int / 8 wis / 16 cha - +2 int tome at level 7 and all raises in cha
- Toughness (mostly to survive traps)
- Extend
- 3x Dragonmark of Finding
- Inspire Excellence
- Mental Toughness (prereq to Spellslinger)
- 3 more (Looking for advice as I am clueless on bards as well as on rogues - if none are truly relevant I guess I could take +skills)
- Search and Disable Device for sure
- Open Locks (not sure if the Knock from Dragonmark will be good enough but guessing it wont)
- Spot (I think I will skip that and just learn where the traps are)
- Perform (none, some or max given the idea of build?)
- UMD (might as well go up to atleast 43 for Greater Teleport utility so probably just max it)
- Bluff (extra utility as bluff puller)
- Jump (guessing I can handle that with gear + buffs)
- Concentration (guessing I dont need that)
- Balance (same)
- Other ?
- Virt or Spellslinger? Probably Spellslinger as thats a good passive buff to casters that lasts a while so the bard can just sit afk in the middle with that running.
- Anything to boost skills to make a master trapper (search and disable mostly)
- CHA, rogue DEX
- More and longer songs
- Toughness
- Anything to save against traps.
- ?
I drew up a full build plan in a post below.
Any advice is most welcome.