Hey Brixlynn here. Thought I would see if there was any interest in doing an epic raid marathon On Saturday November 24th. Gonna start with Epic hard Chronoscope at around 12 noon west coast time. Then epic hard von 5 and 6 (E-Dragon). Then the Cannith Raids epic hard MA and LOB. And then Epic hard ADQ/DQ. And if we havent killed each other by then, Epic hard or normal Caught in the Web. If you are interested, leave a message here or contact me in game through e-mail or tell. My toons are Brixlynn, Darkwin, Tonyjaa, Curgoth, Karlisa, Xmarillionx, Dreylik, Drindal,Mofus, Deidlit, Drunah. And hey Byob, I'll bring the pizza.