Originally Posted by
DDO would be hard pressed to emulate the upcoming Elder Scrolls MMO in regards to a Megaserver. Not the least of which being we have no idea of how Bethesda's concept will work in practicality beyond a ten second blurb in the preview video they put out last week or so.
However, Turbine is kinda stuck in terms of how they chose to implement names. It would irritate untold numbers of players if they had to rename their characters. Probably more so then it'd be worth. Likewise, it'd be a huge fuss and bother to get in there and recode the naming system at this point. For one - bugs. DDO Devs can't seem to make any changes to the game w/o causing ripple-effect bugs from popping up in unforeseen places. I don't even want to imagine what sort of things an attempt to revamp the naming system would screw up.
Plus - lag. For a fair percentage of the population, Special Events cause a lot of lag due to the raw number of instances open at the same time and what the players are doing in those instances. DDO's servers oft seem incapable of managing what is asked of them now. Compressing the entire population onto one server (even beefed up) would be nightmarish. And the cost of creating a brand new server, the architecture to support it, and then migrate all the data from the current servers to the new mega server is likely too prohibitive to even contemplate doing for an aging MMO like this.
/not signed