Am I the only one who thinks druids should get a 3rd prestige reminiscent of the stormlord prestige class?
Am I the only one who thinks druids should get a 3rd prestige reminiscent of the stormlord prestige class?
Last edited by jayboss1; 11-19-2012 at 10:13 AM.
IMO the current Druid Prestige classes are pretty much a waste of space so I don't think a third one will be any better...actually I doubt anything will be done with enhancements until the release the new system next year.
That said Stormlord is nice but its signature weapons are either not in DDO or just plain suck....mind you adding SL could be a good excuse to add spears or just replace that with Scimitar to the list.
Personally I'd rather see Forest Master...although I'd be in favor of removing the current ones and replacing them with Stormlord+Champion of The Wild for the scimitar or Wolf types, Forest Master to focus on the tanky side and maybe Lion of Talisid mixed with X for the summoner offensive casty type
- New Shapeshift Tree (+Nat Armor, % DR, +Str/Con, % HP)
- Dominate Plant Spell (w/ Bonus to its DC)
- Big bonuses with 1h Bludgeoning weapons (+[W], Crit range, crit multiplier,etc., Add Frost or Shock Burst similar to Arty Elemental Weapons ability)
- Proficiency with all 1h Bludgeoning weapons
- Enlarge SLA (1min/CL) giving size bonus to con, str, hp and % DR but penalty to Dex
- Immune...sorry "resistant" to mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and hostile polymorphing.
- When standing still (takes about a second to activate) in Tree form you plant your roots regaining HP and becoming immune to all forms of physical knockdown (trips, slipper surfaces,etc.)
- Capstone: Your type becomes Plant (even outside of "Tree Form") losing any benefits or penalties your previous type incurred, You naturally regen XD6 (X= Con Mod) HP every minute and gain 50% DR against Piercing Weapons (In PnP its half Damage) but take extra damage from fire based attacks
Sidenote: It would be cool if they introduced a "Hybrid" PrE for Monk & Druid (since drunks kinda got the shaft) called Fist of the Forest...under the currently proposed new system it would look something like this
Tier 1 Bonus: Monk1/Druid1 Character Level 3
Tier 2 Bonus: Monk2/Druid2 CL 6
Tier 3 Bonus: Monk4/Druid4 CL 9
Tier 4 Bonus: Monk5/Druid5 CL 12
Tier 5 Bonus: Monk6/Druid6 CL 15
Tier 6 Bonus: Monk7/Druid7 CL 18
Capstone: Monk8/Druid8 CL 20
What this means is if you make a Druid18/Monk2 you could only get up to the tier 2 bonus.
Tree 1: Monk PrE + Tree 2: Druid PrE unlocks Fist of the Forest Hybrid PrE (assuming any feat,etc. requirements are met) which can be slotted into Tree 3
Possible Bonuses
- Unarmed Damage Increase (probably add half Druid a Lv6Monk/4Druid would be hitting like a Lvl 8 Monk..a 4m/16D would hit like a LvL 12 Monk)
- Con Mod to dodge %
-Increased Movement speed
- Uncanny Dodge & Improved-UD Feats
- Remained centered as long as druidic oath is maintained (IOW adds any Druid weapons allowed equips but must still remain unarmored)
- Feral Trance: Works Similar to Tireless Rage except the bonus is to Dex, movement speed, dodge % and reflex (The prestige tree itself would have several enhancements similar to extended rage, extra rage,etc. except replace the word rage with Feral Trance)
Last edited by Failedlegend; 11-19-2012 at 01:07 PM.
Originally Posted by Cordovan
A lot of classes are missing another prestige line. You wont see another druid one any time soon if they implement one at all. Last I knew, they were going to focus on either divine or melee next.
If you ever played Neverwinter Nights or heard of it, you would see that DDO is far behind in a lot of areas, including how classes and levels work. However, they went back to 3.5 rules instead of 4.0.
Your a bit out of the loop my friend the next focus is ALL OF THEM...their rebuilding the entire enhancement system and the plan is to have 3 PrEs for each Class to release with it so this is a great time to makes suggestions for ANY pre for that reason alone, the reason is that their open to mixing in similar PrEs to buff up the The Example Eladrin gave for the new tempest (subject to change of course) hadf abilities from Whirling Dervish and Invisible Blade. So a suggestion for a little gadgeteer in your mechanic or a little Neverwinter Nine in your Knight of the Chalice
You mean the old games or the MMO either way I fail to see how it shows DDO as "behind" if anything the new NWN is the one thats behind their not even officially released and the edition their basing the game on (which I love 4e but I'm anticipating DnD Next with baited breath) has been deemed cancelled so their the ones who are behind, DDO chose 3.5 because they wanted to.If you ever played Neverwinter Nights or heard of it, you would see that DDO is far behind in a lot of areas, including how classes and levels work. However, they went back to 3.5 rules instead of 4.0.
Either way I'll need some clarification on which game your talking about and what you mean before I can respond further
Originally Posted by Cordovan
Stormlord seems a bit restrictive. How about a "Gatekeeper Druid" PrE? It could have similar properties to the Shintao Monk PrE, with extra damage to outerplanar and abberation enemies.
How about both like I said earlier the devs are totally up for mixing Similar PrEs into one ...that said the Gatekeeper PrE NEEDS to be in DDO the Gatekeeper Druids are a very important part of the MotU storyline...would make sense they they would send out agents to try to fix what they screwed up.1
Originally Posted by Cordovan
Neverwinter Nights and DDO, and even games like Icewind Dale are all Dungeons & Dragons (TM), and based on the rules for the tabletop game.You mean the old games or the MMO either way I fail to see how it shows DDO as "behind" if anything the new NWN is the one thats behind their not even officially released and the edition their basing the game on (which I love 4e but I'm anticipating DnD Next with baited breath) has been deemed cancelled so their the ones who are behind, DDO chose 3.5 because they wanted to.
So when I say DDO is behind, I am referring to it's exclusion of features that NWN already has that are directly from D&D 3.5 and 4.0.
I'm behind on the development chatter, so if they actually are chaning everything at once, then that's great to hear. But I would not expect any of that to happen soon because they said 2012 will have the most updates, then there wont be any for a while after 2013 unless they changed their mind.