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  1. #21
    Community Member Bogenbroom's Avatar
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    Jun 2006


    I have been reasonably content with the success rate. It hasn't been successful every time and there have been times where the response time was wanting, but generally not too bad.

    I think the last unsuccessful request was about a month ago in the Lost Thread. Something happened with Ana and one of the objectives didn't check off. I completed rest of quest, but didn't get xp/credit and GM couldn't help. But that has been the exception rather than the rule.

    However, I did just submit my first ever ticket for an item missing from my inventory and I am still in a holding pattern regarding whether or not it will be restored.
    Bogenbroom's legion... 102 characters, 3 accounts, and 1 irate wife.

  2. #22
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    I´ve posted 2 or 3 tickets in my days. First one i got answered the other two was ignored. I´m f2p so it´s ok.

  3. #23


    I've had some of the same ticket causes as you, Varr.

    Bank slot bug from 2010 - it took about a week before someone who could fix the issue was on and Zoesha could access her bank and TR cache again. This was my first TR, and I remember being devastated because I couldn't access the gear I'd collected for my first TR until @ level 12. Anyway, I get the impression not all GM's are made alike and have the same powers to correct issues.

    Lesser Heart of +3 - I ran into this problem on Massalina over the summer. From what I can gather, you have to pick your swapping levels first to avoid problems. I also got a 'try again with a new heart next week' kind of response on this one.

    Monsters stuck/bugged walls/bridges/fights - It's a mixed bag on these. I had an EH VoN1 end fight that wouldn't move from round 2 to 3 fixed within @ 15minutes a couple days ago. The bug in 'Cry for Help' where the bridges don't drop if the party spilts up and pulls the levers at the same time? I've never gotten that one fixed off a ticket. Always advised to reset.

    I agree that it would be helpful to have a clearer idea of what the DMs can fix.

    BonnieBew on Twitter, Twitch, YouTube and all servers

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