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  1. #1
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    Default Open Locks on a rogue-splashed bard w/dragonmarks

    I'm planning a 16/2/2 bard/fighter/rogue with the Finding dragonmark line. Now the dragonmark will give me the Knock spell, but I'm not really familiar with how well Knock works as opposed to Open Locks. Will an extra 10 or so ranks in OL above the initial 4 let me open things I wouldn't be able to open with Knock? Or can I save my skill points and use them on other utility skills I would otherwise be neglecting (jump/balance/etc.)?

  2. #2
    Community Member AzB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hethyba View Post
    I'm planning a 16/2/2 bard/fighter/rogue with the Finding dragonmark line. Now the dragonmark will give me the Knock spell, but I'm not really familiar with how well Knock works as opposed to Open Locks. Will an extra 10 or so ranks in OL above the initial 4 let me open things I wouldn't be able to open with Knock? Or can I save my skill points and use them on other utility skills I would otherwise be neglecting (jump/balance/etc.)?
    I would consider trap skills to be more important than jump or open locks. Especially if you have access to a knock spell or can use a wand. (Bards and rogues can have excellent wand capability as well, so choosing the dragonmark just for knock may not be the best use of that feat slot) Jump can be had in a potion.

    Finding and disabling traps are worthwhile skills. Keep in mind that a FiRoBard is going to be pretty limited on skill points and feats, as well as end game spellcasting ability. Make sure you know what you're doing and put the points, feats, stats, and other abilities where you need them. Also keep in mind what gear you may have available at any given level. There is gear out there to help with locks and traps, if you have those abilities.

    UMD is good for almost any character.

  3. #3
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    Sorry, I didn't specify that yes, all the main skills are accounted for. The dragonmark line is for the chest blessing, Knock is just a perk.

    This isn't between Open Locks and Search/Disable/UMD, this is between Open Locks and the things I would otherwise put my spare skillpoints in (jump, balance, spot, whatever). If Knock is going to be good enough, I'll skip putting any points in OL beyond the initial 4 at level 1. If it will actually make a difference, I'll consider trying to squeeze in as many points as I can fit once the real skills are taken care of.

  4. #4
    Community Member Myrrae's Avatar
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    There are chests that knock isn't good enough for, but they are few and far between. It depends on how much you really really want to get every chest vs. getting 99% of them where the Knock dragonmark will be more than sufficient.

  5. #5
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    That's kind of what I was thinking (and hoping), thanks!

    With a 14 starting Int and a +2 tome at level 7, I've figured out with the planner that with my build and level progression I can max out UMD, Concentration, Search, Disable, Perform, and one of either Spot or Open Locks, with some leftovers for jump and balance. I think maxed Spot will ultimately be more helpful than maxed OL, especially with the "free" Knock spell from the dragonmark. Any really high-DC locks can get ignored, or else I'll be running with a friend with mad lockpicking skillz anyway.

  6. #6
    Community Member azrael4h's Avatar
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    I will point out that my Bard has 4 ranks in Open Lock, and without an item still got an EHard lock in Stay in the Inn (I think that's the name of the quest, new pack). Was a high roll, and had GH going, but still. I carry a +15 item as well, that I rarely use.

    My old Exploiter had the same, and a lower DEX due to being a STR-based Tempest build, and got a couple of locks in the old epics, back before I TRed her and WAY before U14.

    That said, there are locks that you will not be able to get with such a minimal investment. I can think of one in House of Broken Chains, and another in Gianthold Explorer. Both are really just optional.
    Anyone who disagrees is a Terrorist...

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  7. #7
    Community Member Myrrae's Avatar
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    Yeah, I have like... 6 ranks in OL on my chest blessing bard/rogue

    Once you know the dungeons, Open Lock may work out better than Spot if you dumped wis - I have found several traps with my face So it's kind of a toss-up but I don't think you'll be kicking yourself for having skipped it.

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