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Thread: Mentoring

  1. #1
    Community Member Eschelon's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Mentoring

    I am curious to see how many people would be interested in a mentoring ability similar to some other MMO's out there. With the level cap increasing the spread between new and old players I think this would be a major benefit to the game and something everyone could enjoy if implemented correctly.

    Some pro's I can think of
    1. Guildies can mentor down to new players without feeling like they're putting their main on hold
    2. For people who don't like to have legions of characters they can more easily join with friends invited to the game
    3. A break from only running the same upper level or tiered quests without re-gearing or tr'ing for bored and capped characters
    4. Allow a way to prevent killing Bravery Bonus streaks allowing more grouping options across the board

    Some possible con's
    1. It would have to be implemented
    2. Depending on implementation could be abused

    Some basic thoughts on how it could be implemented
    Maybe give an option on the quest entry to level down to level +-1 of quest or the possibly the highest level character in party (would be more difficult but more catered). Upon entry a quest duration permanent level drain effects the character. Bblock out all epic destiny abilities and spells above new caster lvl or similar measure. Gear could be scaled as well for more balance if coding allows it or some other balance factor like extra level loss or even blocking out wearing gear above new lvl if need be.

    To give some reward but curb xp abuse maybe grant 10% of xp for the quest to mentored player and allow renown drop from chests based on new temp lvl.

    Anyway those are some thoughts I had and needed to get out before I lost it again and wanted to see what others think. Ideas, possible drawbacks etc welcome.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Default Mentoring

    I would like to see something like this implemented.

    They have it in Aion and works that the higher level character mentors, they get no xp and no drops but gets to play with low level characters / friends when they dont have a character in range themselves.

    How practical it would be in this game i have no idea on.

  3. #3
    The Hatchery bigolbear's Avatar
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    Id love to see a system like this in ddo.

    Ex Euro player from devourer: Charaters on orien(Officer of Under Estimated & Nightfox): Wrothgar, Cobolt, Shadeweaver, TheMetal, Metaphysical, Allfred, Razortusk and many more.
    stuff by me:

  4. #4
    Hero Gkar's Avatar
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    I don't know how you would do it in this game since the loot is so unique and equipment is often more/equal power than class abilities.

    So fine, you level drain my L20 Barbarian to L6 (quest level). Now what do you do about that ESOS he is carrying? The +7 stat item he is wearing? If you let the items in, he is still L20. If you treat him fully as L6 so he can't equip them, he's probably running around naked.

  5. #5
    Community Member Eschelon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gkar View Post
    So fine, you level drain my L20 Barbarian to L6 (quest level). Now what do you do about that ESOS he is carrying? The +7 stat item he is wearing? If you let the items in, he is still L20. If you treat him fully as L6 so he can't equip them, he's probably running around naked.
    That was an issue I mentioned in the original post and would have to be scaled if implemented.

    -Possibly attach a damage debuff based on the (de-level drain)
    From 25 down to 20 maybe a 25% damage reduction. From 25 down to 10 could be 80% or whatever number would be the equivalent to a decently geared character of that level. Numbers are just thrown out there and would need to be adjusted on a curve due to how gear scales at certain levels and extra feats/enhancements.

  6. #6
    The Hatchery CaptainSpacePony's Avatar
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    I just don't see much point in this. I have a "capped" level 4 character that I won't level so I can play it with my kids' numerous lvl 1-4s that are prone to deletion.

  7. #7
    Hero Gkar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eschelon View Post
    That was an issue I mentioned in the original post and would have to be scaled if implemented.

    -Possibly attach a damage debuff based on the (de-level drain)
    From 25 down to 20 maybe a 25% damage reduction. From 25 down to 10 could be 80% or whatever number would be the equivalent to a decently geared character of that level. Numbers are just thrown out there and would need to be adjusted on a curve due to how gear scales at certain levels and extra feats/enhancements.
    I know you recognized the problem, but I think its so complex that unlike in other games they'd never figure out that debuff number. Some stuff is easy (change belt of GFL into FL, 30 resist to 10, etc) but since no two L20s (or 25s) are equipped the same way, it would be hard to come up with a standard debuff and it would have to be item by item. That seems...debatable and complicated.

    One alternate idea that was suggested in the past is to give us hireling like templates to play. "ok, I'll rent a L7 cleric template and join you" and then you would play as that prebuilt L7 cleric instead of using one of your "real" characters. It takes care of the mentoring without any issues around scaling.

  8. #8
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    I've suggested the "session play template" for this request in other games before, I think its the most elegant solution. You're never able to scale down an endgame char to intro level without them still being an ubernoob. And then you run into issues of farming with alts and exploits...

    Really, if your goal is to just be social and play with friends, you should be fine with being able to "possess" the existing hirelings and run missions that way. Heck, it'd be a great way even just to try out other classes, get a feel for them at different levels and a better appreciation of gameplay styles you might not be as familiar with.

  9. #9
    Hero Cardoor's Avatar
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    On a related note, it's been awhile since I played City of Heroes, but couldn't you split the xp with your sidekick or something like that? It was a way to get a friend up in levels who couldn't play as much, and ensured you both stayed at the same level (took twice as long to level if only person played).

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