I am curious to see how many people would be interested in a mentoring ability similar to some other MMO's out there. With the level cap increasing the spread between new and old players I think this would be a major benefit to the game and something everyone could enjoy if implemented correctly.
Some pro's I can think of
1. Guildies can mentor down to new players without feeling like they're putting their main on hold
2. For people who don't like to have legions of characters they can more easily join with friends invited to the game
3. A break from only running the same upper level or tiered quests without re-gearing or tr'ing for bored and capped characters
4. Allow a way to prevent killing Bravery Bonus streaks allowing more grouping options across the board
Some possible con's
1. It would have to be implemented
2. Depending on implementation could be abused
Some basic thoughts on how it could be implemented
Maybe give an option on the quest entry to level down to level +-1 of quest or the possibly the highest level character in party (would be more difficult but more catered). Upon entry a quest duration permanent level drain effects the character. Bblock out all epic destiny abilities and spells above new caster lvl or similar measure. Gear could be scaled as well for more balance if coding allows it or some other balance factor like extra level loss or even blocking out wearing gear above new lvl if need be.
To give some reward but curb xp abuse maybe grant 10% of xp for the quest to mentored player and allow renown drop from chests based on new temp lvl.
Anyway those are some thoughts I had and needed to get out before I lost it again and wanted to see what others think. Ideas, possible drawbacks etc welcome.