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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    May 2010

    Question Wild Shape attack questions

    When in Wild Shape, equipped weapon effects (such as Flaming, etc.) are still applied to your attacks.


    1. Is this true for dual-wielding? (i.e., Flaming in main hand and Shocking in off hand - do both bonuses apply?)

    2. If dual-wielding and you don't have the TWF feat, do the attack penalties still apply? I'm not sure if natural attacks are "rolled" the same as regular dual-wielding attacks...

    Appreciate any feedback or insight.

  2. #2
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Elandros View Post
    1. Is this true for dual-wielding? (i.e., Flaming in main hand and Shocking in off hand - do both bonuses apply?)
    Not for DPS effects (i.e., Maiming, burst, etc.); I think the only thing which applies from your offhand (whether a weapon or shield) are things like Seeker / Stunning / Vertigo / etc. bonuses. Not sure what happens if you equip, say, a Ghost Touch item in your offhand; do you gain that ability or not?
    2. If dual-wielding and you don't have the TWF feat, do the attack penalties still apply?
    I don't believe so, since you're not technically dual-wielding in combat. Another minor perk is you don't suffer any non-prof. penalties which shapeshifted, AFAICT.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Thanks. If I get a chance to test that, I'll post the results.

  4. #4
    The Hatchery Syllph's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Elandros View Post
    When in Wild Shape, equipped weapon effects (such as Flaming, etc.) are still applied to your attacks.


    1. Is this true for dual-wielding? (i.e., Flaming in main hand and Shocking in off hand - do both bonuses apply?)
    Only main hand gets the damage. The offhand can take Vertigo, stunning, etc. Also effects like invulnerability. So anything except basic damage. Ghost touch didn't work in my offhand though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Elandros View Post
    2. If dual-wielding and you don't have the TWF feat, do the attack penalties still apply? I'm not sure if natural attacks are "rolled" the same as regular dual-wielding attacks...

    Appreciate any feedback or insight.
    TWF does nothing in wolf form. You don't take non-proficient penalties either. I was dual-wielding a pair of Khopeshes and I wasn't proficient. In animal form the bonus to hit shot up.

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