~~Looking for~~
TP codes
+8 int ring
Ottos Irresistible box ( stones of exp)
+4 wisdom tome
+4 tome of dexterity
+4 tome of charisma
+3 tomes ( most)
+2 tomes (all)
+3 lesser heart
+8 wisdom ring with natural armor +6 (Large slot)
Terrorweb Chitin Breastplate (+3 insightful wis)
Terrorweb Chitin Breastplate (+3 insightful str)
Terrorweb Chitin Breastplate (+8 wis)
Terrorweb Chitin Breastplate (+8 con)
Terrorweb Chitin Breastplate (+3 insightful con)
Spider-spun Caparison ( + 8 dex)
Spider-spun Caparison(+3 insightful dex)
Spider-spun Caparison( +8 wis)
Spider-spun Caparison(+3 insightful wis)
EE Shadowmail with impulse
~~Also some random stuff for pp~~
Large Scale 200kpp
Large Shrapnel 100kpp
Large Stone 100kpp
Large Arrow/Chain/Bone 50kpp
Medium ones 30kpp
Small ones 15kpp
Funk/Pebble/Twig 30kpp
Bitterscrub Fungus/Lammanian Lily Petals 20kpp
Locust Husk 10kpp
ToD Boots Mats 70kpp (250kpp for a set)
Will update this list as I get/sell/trade more stuff.
P.S contact me ingame on Delirium if you are interested in anything , dont usually check forums