I'm struggling with what to do with my bard. I really wanted this feat list:
Empower Healing
Spell Focus: Enchant
Spell Penetration
Greater Spell Penetration
Inspire Excellence
This would give me a very, very capable Spell Singer. Not a great Epic Elite Spell Singer, but great for everything else. However, now I'm toying with picking up the Dragonmarks of Finding. It looks to me like I'd want to revise the above feat list as follows:
Extend --> Dragonmark 1
Empower Healing
Spell Focus: Enchant --> Dragonmark 2
Spell Penetration
Greater Spell Penetration
Inspire Excellence --> Dragonmark 3
This costs me lovely extended haste/rage/displacement. Parties will be mad that I'm not extending those. It costs me a nice Magister twist, but you don't need that for Epic Hard content. And it costs me that lovely Inspire Excellence. CC and Heals will still be top-notch in content up through Epic Hard, however. And buffs will be almost ideal (save for the loss of Inspire Excellence). The party, of course, trades all of this for a lovely +2 loot boost. What do you think? Worth it?