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  1. #1
    Community Member Bimbelbo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Cool Green Steel issue - missing bonus effect

    Ok I tried to make a Lit2 khopesh, used this planner for it and got through all 3 tiers:

    Same recipe in other GS planners:

    So now on my final item, I'm missing the lightning strike!

    This occurs to be very strange to me, not to speak of the disappointment of having maybe wasted so many ingredients on a broken item (still not worthless, but not 'perfect' either) ... now I wonder if I did something wrong, is the planner missleading or showing a wrong recipe or is there actually a bug working against me?

    I made some people in-game show me their Lit2s, and one player actually had the exact same effects plus the "lightning strike". Oddly, a guildmate of mine also has the same combination and he also is missing the lightning strike:

    So how can this be? Is it even possible to make a tier3 GS (with a double supreme shard included!) item without having ANY t3 bonus effect? I hope you can help me, thank you in advance!
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan
    People are absolutely working on it at the moment.

  2. #2
    Community Member RabidApathy's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2012


    With the new system, you are given the single and double shard options when imbuing with a double shard. It sounds like you selected the single shard option instead of the double shard option. It sucks, but there is not much you can do except start over (and make sure to read everything twice).

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2010



    I noticed recently that my Lit 2 rapiers' names had changed. See < > for details. I made the weapons quite a while ago, and although the names and icons changed after u16 the lightning strikes still proc.

    If you're sure it's not a mistake you made while crafting, then perhaps the two things are connected. Perhaps the tables that contain these weapons properties are broken, and new weapons being made using the old recipes are no longer getting all of the effects they should.

    I'd bug report it and keep this post alive so that other people who have tried to make the items can report their experiences too.

    Good luck.

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