I've had more positive experiences than negative with GMs... although I must say that the time after an update is always horrendous... longer waits. Guess I got lucky with my GM-pulls... now if only I could draw a **** Torq!
I've had more positive experiences than negative with GMs... although I must say that the time after an update is always horrendous... longer waits. Guess I got lucky with my GM-pulls... now if only I could draw a **** Torq!
No longer reading the Forums.
I had a GM last night try several things to get an end boss un-stuck in one of the new quests on EE. When he couldn't solve it, I asked to be escalated to a senior GM. Then 3 hours later, I logged off and went to bed without ever being contacted again. I wasn't staring at my DDO screen the whole time, I watched a couple of TV episodes, finished the last 100 pages in my book, ate dinner, did dishes, surfed the web and THEN logged off.
So getting your problem "kicked upstairs" isn't are desirable as you'd think.![]()
While I certainly agree that GM service needs to be improved, getting a problem shot up the ladder isn't going to help as much as you think.
When I worked Tier 1 Help Desk, sending a problem to a higher tier never meant that the problem would be resolved faster, it just meant that Tier 1 couldn't handle the problem. Considering that the higher tiers had additional responsibilities, it was more than likely it would take longer for a higher tier to get to an issue, compared to tier 1, which was strictly call support. For a problem to be additionally solved faster, it would have required a severity escalation, which is something that only happened when the problem was impacting a large group of people. I imagine Turbine's service works much the same way.
Its sad to so and really quite depressing because I love this game so much, nut other than respawning a boss or teleporting a party member somewhere, I'm not sure the DM's are allowed to or even able to help. I would love to see Turbine give them more abilities. At this point its almost not even worth it to have the GM's.
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it helps if you call them useless interns![]()
i find myself and others saying "glad im not paying for this ****" vip from ftp beta till 10.9.2012 fix it...fix it Now!
If you want to be taken more seriously stop using ppl. Actually take the time to spell the word people. You write a well thought out, articulate rant, but choose to abbreviate that one word. weird.
Main toon Gromphia I have others but that is really the only one I play
They are GM's, not programmers. How can you expect a GM to fix a bug is beyond me.
This is correct. I'd like to hear what the OP expected, what would have been "helpful".
The fact that the GM's reply was a cut and paste makes it feel impersonal, which will probably aggrevate you more when you are upset. However, the reply was not a "crowd pleaser", it was accurate and the best the GM can do. The GMs cannot fix a bug for you, and don't have the time to get stuck in an argument. They are probably overworked, considering the number of bugs in the game.
The OP lost weeks of game time achievements due to a bug that Turbine already knew about. Although there is likely nothing the GM could due individually, it's a major failure on the part of Turbine.im looking at my bars, and all my ED stuff is greyed out. recalled, swapped destinies and swapped back. shut down client and relogged to clear lag. came back, same thing. submitted bug report.
*name removed* thanks me for my input, cuts and pasted to me the same tired diatribe, and quickly exits. not helping at all.
When I look a the seriousness of the issue and the GM response all that comes to mind is there is a high degree of apathy. I don't know whether it's the GM or the organization, but it's there. Most people on these forums have been involved in customer service at some level. When a customer gets majorly burned you don't cut and paste a canned response and close the ticket.
The bottom line is that a paying customer was burned and Turbine's response was apathy. Whether it's the GM's fault or someone else's fault is really irrelevant, it's Turbine's fault and there is really no excuse for letting people walk blindly into this bug.
Last edited by slarden; 11-16-2012 at 05:37 AM.
Really? +Bletchley+ I submit a Ticket and you do not reply then close the ticket? Really? This is BS support for a VIP Im not resting till your ****** service is adressed.
Really? Gm's are limited? I know for a fact a Gm after a TR bug on u11 levelled a player from 1 to 20 to make up for their oversight (and its in his bio). this is not a matter of incapabilility. this is a matter of unwillingness. tonight i submitted a ticket and the same GM responded and summarily closed the ticket yet again. At the same time, three other players joined me due to my complaint lfm, and they expressed similar issues with the same GM. please tell me how you write this off. this isnt about an epic destiny or a quest, this is a bout a failure to render services purchased.
the concept of a community must befuddle some ppl, cuz i can say this isnt what i pay for. And that goes back to the whole theme of the thread. If they can level a toon from 1 to 20, they can respawn the stupid npc on the boxes that wont appear cuz shadows were on top of it.; or they can fix any of your quests sarlona, any of them. one GM in paticular is not willing. god knows pushing a few button must really be hard
Phone support is not for in game issues or else the phone number wouldnt be buried beneath a thousand google entries. more to the point, thats not the purpose of phone support. and if you really think making a phone call will change your gaming experience youre probably also making phone calls to place your vote on The Voice and other reality tv tripe. point of fact: they have failed us. There is no measure for it because they have existed without reproach. Its simply a point of being. its a point were stuck at unless more ppl drive the issue home. I made this a server post cuz everynight in raids ppl make fun of turbine support. so what is it? why arent a hundred ppl talking ? I dunno why. Ask yourself that.
Please post responsibly ppl, be tactful, be visible. Don't act beligerent by cursing and other such things. This thread exists to point out a failure in the system at hand. Be mature, be thoughtful and Sarlona respond!
A certain GM did this to me last night in running with the devils when a mob got stuck inside a wall he just closed my ticket and said this isn't a known issue submit a bug report… I have sent multiple tickets in about this very thing and GMs in the past have just killed the mob or at very least reset it this certain GM is just lazy and IMHO should lose his job
Proud leader Of Top Hat Inc on Sarlona
characters ; Tolab, Mattiey, Baretto, Sinyster, Wednesdayxii, Laintra, Nykkey, Earisu
Had a troll skip across the screen near the end of heroic VoN3 and end up somewhere unkillable. Decided to put in a ticket, just to see what would happen. Did some other stuff while I was waiting. Logged off after an hour and a half with no response.
Logged in today to see a response of "not a known issue, nothing we can do, file a bug report" over THREE HOURS after I had filed the ticket. Now, that's pretty ridiculous.
I've only had good interactions with GMs in the past, quick response, and helpful, even with the exact same issue I had last night, so I guess there are some out there who are just putting in their time, though.