Bastion is using a 6 year old model completely unchanged - major Boooo. Really shows where priorities are and it isn't on making the game look cool.
I'm not talking about turning DDO into WOW, please don't. Just maybe get one or two more artists on staff devoted to improving the looks of the gear we so desperately want.
I could gripe all day about the pros and cons of art in game but i'll let the forum junkies leave examples on this discussion.
I'll start:
There are only 3 Heavy Repeater Model types in the game, one of which is a Great Crossbow, and to "mix it up" a crossbow was simply slapdashed with flat black and neon yellow for variety, looks unprofessional.
The new U14 armor types came with nice looks on them, a step in the right direction, but they still all look kitbashed from the same old junk.
Any other complaints about art style remaining bland?