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  1. #1
    Community Member kaleid0star's Avatar
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    Default Getting stuck in walls

    Ok we're running this Von 5 and we have instances where people are getting stuck in the walls. One near the chest and near the barrier rooms on the west side and another near the bridge going to the east side. Please look into it cause the only way we got those people out was by using a Ddoor close enough to the wall so they can take it.

    Added: We were running Shroud and got to part two when Kasquik got stuck in the wall near the crystal

    Added: someone got stuck in the wall in the first room of Lords of Dust

    Added: Sully got stuck in the walls in the last part of ToD

    Last edited by kaleid0star; 11-14-2012 at 05:50 AM.
    Clashing (Healing Spellsinger Bard), Faerwynd (lvl 20 Caster Cleric), Cocus (lvl 20 Palemaster Wizard), Grougal (Wolf/Healing Druid)

    Member of Captain's Crew - Ghallanda

  2. #2
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    I used /stuck once yesterday and then had to open two tickets because I somehow phased into a wall in the middle of a quest.

    I don't know if it is a client-server sync issue, but it was pretty lame. One was on a boat in Blockade Buster, one near the pit in the first part of Undermine and the last near the valve past the oozes and rats in the Snitch.
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  3. #3
    Community Member kaleid0star's Avatar
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    Well several threads have been popping up so I hope they're paying attention
    Last edited by kaleid0star; 11-14-2012 at 05:59 AM.
    Clashing (Healing Spellsinger Bard), Faerwynd (lvl 20 Caster Cleric), Cocus (lvl 20 Palemaster Wizard), Grougal (Wolf/Healing Druid)

    Member of Captain's Crew - Ghallanda

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    I got stuck twice yesterday in the Harbor. Had to recall out and re-enter the second time. 20% XP hit?? NOOOOOOOOO.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by muharr View Post
    I got stuck twice yesterday in the Harbor. Had to recall out and re-enter the second time. 20% XP hit?? NOOOOOOOOO.
    I've had more quest failures in the last 2 days vs the last 2 years, all due to mobs/me glitching into a wall/floor/ceililng.

    I did Butcher's path 7 times in a row yesterday, without a single success all due to mobs either spawning in a wall (thus leaving a door un-openable) or me walking backwards and suddenly being stuck in a column. Had to finally give up on this.

    Waterworks was also touch and go, having to redo almost every single quest at least 2x; the Arlos rescue quest at least 5x since I cant get him to follow me if theres even a single mob in the ceiling or in the middle of the bridge (he chased a kobold into the water and disappeared one time...never seen that before). Guess the only highlight with this bug is I can literally say I stunned a mob so hard they went through the wall :P

    I've had this glitch happen only in kobold heavy quests so far; don't think I've experienced this with other mob types. The movement/spawn programming for that mob type maybe whats bugging out.

  6. #6
    Hatchery Founder Glenalth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sgz View Post
    Guess the only highlight with this bug is I can literally say I stunned a mob so hard they went through the wall :P
    A guild member knocked our training dummy on to the roof of our boat.
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  7. #7
    Community Member Cap_Man's Avatar
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    Did Madstone Crater last night and an Ogre hit me so hard he slammed me into a wall lol.

    I had already used /stuck and apparently you can only use that once a day.

    I ended up logging out and then back in and I was ok.

    One other person in the party also go stuck but they used /stuck to get out.

    Turbine should probably remove that once a day limit until they fix this. At least that would help with players getting stuck.

    How fast are you having to wait for a GM to unstick you when you log a ticket?

  8. #8
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    And yesterday a kobold got stuck in a wall. Someone should stop tinkering with the physics engine. :P

  9. #9
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    Seems to go both ways. I tried soloing SoS earlier today and the boss of the fire room (a fire giant, surprise surprise) got stuck in the wall as well. I couldn't harm him, so I ended up failing the quest because I had to kill him to progress.

    Naturally, I did file a ticket, and of course the GM responded literally 30 seconds after I got booted from the quest for taking too which point it was "sorry, you're out of the quest, nothing I can do"

    Please, please fix this. Nothing more annoying than zipping along a quest then failing because of a glitch

  10. #10
    Community Member psykopeta's Avatar
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    wk, in one tower when the door opened i got stuck between walls(so i could move to any direction except up/down), jumping didnt work, and the times i casted dd, always out of my range to click

    quench the flames(co6), first hall where mephits come to you, some kind of wall spawns in the middle, this time u can go up and down, but cant move from inside the wall

    tomb of unhallowed, archers like to backstep(dunno why they dont run further lol), its not funny when he has the wall behind and yes, he is now stuck, how open the door in the corridor when its needed to kill every mob from the corridor? wand of blasting and fireball runearm work

    tomb of tormented, now death aura doesnt affect worgs and carcass eaters(so no more killing underfloor mobs for arcanes!! U_U), fireball runearm still works, i guess wand of blasting too

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