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  1. #1
    Community Member chaosslave2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default The Silver Legion Periodical - Volume 1 Issue #8

    11 November, 2012 - Issue 8

    Welcome to this months Silver Legion Periodical, this is a special edition
    dedicated to Mabar, the Endless Night Festival.

    Mabar, the plane of Endless Night, a realm of total darkness spills over into
    our realm but once per year. The evidence of this can be found in Delera's
    Graveyard where the dead walk again upon the land of Eberron and the
    hero's of Stormreach attempt to send them back to the plane of Mabar.
    Come, follow along as our Silver Legion guildies turn this time into a party
    and a celebration of pumpkin heads!

    To view all of our previous fun filled issues please go to our

    Issue Archives

    Hello Fellow DDOers,

    We are very happy to present to you our Mabar Edition to the Silver Legion
    Periodical! You'll find screenshots and stories and anecdotes galore herein
    as we ran around Delera's whacking undead. It seems the delay in the
    opening of this year's Mabar festival did nothing to dampen our spirits
    (HA! I kill me!) about the event or the opportunity to play Whack-a-

    And just think ... more Mabar is right around the corner!

    ~ Jinguizu of Cannith, The Silver Legion Guild Leader
    ~ Mistindantacles, Guild Medieval DDO Realm Leader


    Self righteous they charge, weapons brandished high
    We their victims scarce wakened from slumbers
    With blinding flame and holy zeal afire
    Bodies rise and fall in gruesome numbers

    Dignity lost our shattered bodies fall
    But when will we rest, the mob’s not yet done
    They seek macabre trophies, opals from gall
    Fingers, skulls, fangs, and dust from kings long gone

    Ignoring our moans defilers pass by
    Trading for motes, death bought glitters of doom
    Slaying in darkness a jewel of the sky
    Sated by trinkets, defiling our tombs

    Mabar we curse, bodies back in the mire
    Mabar we yearn, to again walk a while


    On the first path south from the entrance to Delera's Graveyard, players can
    find a memorial to Gary Gygax, co-creator of the original Dungeons &
    Dragons game. Before his death in 2008, Gygax had become the Dungeon
    Master narrator for most of the adventures found in Delera's Graveyard. A
    similar memorial to co-creator Dave Arneson can be found in the Ruins of
    Threnal wilderness area (where he also lent his voiceover as the Dungeon
    Master narrator). The developers of DDO made end-rewards in memory of
    both creators: the set items Voice of the Master and Mantle of the
    Worldshaper. In subtle respect to the all-knowing dungeon masters, the
    united set grants a player True Seeing. Courtesy of DDOWIKI.

    Approaching the memorial an on screen message will appear, "Your soul is
    filled with peace as you approach the memorial to a fallen hero - E. Gary
    Gygax will never be forgotten."

    Group shot of us at the Gary Gygax memorial with our pumpkin heads.

    Regina, the Queen of Pumpkin Chunkin, decided that the Sunday Morning
    Static Group would look better as Pumpkin Heads.

    From the Thursday night group with Horkster, Freememory, Gilligorm,
    Regina, TracyII and Bruno
    Mabar left over "gifts".
    Can you tell which toon is
    Regina? If you guessed top hat and no
    pumpkin or skull head, you'd be right.
    - TracyII

    Pumpkin Headed Guildies in Mabar
    - Tracy

    Another pumkin chunkin victim,
    Ras O Lantern - Rasnil

    When a pumpkin head just won't do then there's only one thing to do, grab a
    skull head! Compliments of Regina, the Pumpkin Chunkin Queen, Long Live
    the Queen!

    All this pumpkin chunkin led to a new pastime for The Silver Legion guildies.
    It was declared open season on all Stavlets, forever would a Stavlet be
    condemned to wear a pumpkin head or at the very least a skull head.

    Open Season on Stavlets.

    The night was dark, damp, and dreary the undead were closing in fast.
    When Stavowen spotted a damsel in distress wearing nothing but her
    It was then that all the Stavlets fate was sealed. From then on through the
    end of Mabar it became Stavlet season.

    Everywhere he roamed a pumpkin head or skull head would pop up on his
    head. He spied the lovely Jennelle standing quietly by a door and zap she
    gave him a pumpkin head. From then on he was destined to wander
    around Stormreach hiding from his opponents fixated on keeping his
    pumpkin head on.
    He feared that he would never get his beard dry again and that the musky
    pumpkin scent would forever be his.

    One day as he was killing skeletons and he needed a buff, he asked the now
    fleshy Tinkere ever so kindly for help. She graciously gave him his buff and a
    pumpkin head. Stav said that he was far too pretty and had a too high a
    charisma score to wear such a beastly pumpkin head, it was beneath him.
    His good pal Germi hunted Stav into the far corners of Stormreach biding
    his time to catch an unaware Stavlet. Lo and behold he too pumpkined Stav
    smack in the middle of the Searing Heights.

    Stav thought he'd be safe on the ship. He opened the chest searching for a
    nice prize and when he closed the chest once again he had a pumpkin for a
    head, courtesy of Thurza.

    If he went to a bank once a again a pumpkin head would appear. Again and
    yet again the despised pumpkin head would appear. Soon all the squires got
    in on the fun and they too gave Stavlets a pumpkin head. A few thought to
    be different and gave him a skull head.

    So Stavlets beware it is Stavlet season. Dooming Stavlets to wear a
    pumpkin head forever more.


    Fighting undead in Delera's Graveyard.
    "Kalfador is not choosy about his audience - more fans, more glory...


    Taking on the undead - MilanR

    If you ever wondered where the undead come from, well now you know. They
    spawn from pumpkins like alien pods!

    After a long day of sending the undead back to the plane of Mabar, the Lair
    of Summoning opens and the battle to defeat the Spectral Dragon begins.

    The only good Lag Dragon is a dead Lag Dragon -- isn't she precious?

    - Tracy

    Apparently even beholders aren't immune to the effects of a pumkin
    grenade. I challenge you to keep a straight face when viewing the following
    screenshots. Submitted by Tamberlyn

    As the moon rises over Delera's Graveyard another Mabar, The Endless
    Night Festival draws to an end. May the restless dead find peace for a while,
    at least until Mabar once again returns to test our stamina and might.

    Guild Medieval, founded in March of 2001, is committed to providing a
    drama free, family oriented, people focused gaming environment for its
    members across a multitude of online games. If this sounds like what you've
    been looking for, come check us out at
    Officer of The Silver Legion on Cannith

  2. #2
    Community Member Mistindantacles's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Sure to be another prize winning edition!

    A huge thank you to all of our Silver Legion / Guild Medieval members for their submittals. None of this would be possible without your participation!

  3. #3
    Community Member Horkster's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Is it safe to come out? Is the Open Season on Stavlets over yet?
    Stavandal - Guild Leader of 'The Silver Legion' of Cannith, a part of Guild Medieval

  4. #4
    Community Member chaosslave2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Horkster my friend, its never safe for Stavlets to come out!
    Officer of The Silver Legion on Cannith

  5. #5
    Community Member tunabomber's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Haha great pics,pumpkin heads for everyone!!!!

    Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.
    Officer of The Silver Legion
    Knight Templar of Guild Medieval

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