Quote Originally Posted by yawumpus View Post
Note that the D&D is coming out with another set of rules, presumably making DDO's 3.5ish rules increasingly out of date. No idea how you would tell if Warner and Hasbro were talking, but either way, don't expect them to even start coding next year.<P>
It isn't like DDO isn't far removed from 3.5e rules already.

Quote Originally Posted by TrinityTurtle View Post
Well, there is a reason to start over and streamline the bajillion bits of jangled and often mangled code from so many developers working on it over the years, but I think it would just annoy the playerbase that is still enjoying this one, and I'm not sure people would rush over.
Starting a huge or program over from scratch is a very good way to lose lots and lots of money. They should fix the spaghetti-ball of code (as Eladrin or someone put it) but they shouldn't start over.