I love the idea of an Elder Scrolls MMO. I really do. However, I also loved the idea of a Old Republic MMO, and well... yeah. I did not love TOR anywhere close to as much as I hoped I would. For that reason and others, including a current feeling of overall MMO fatigue, I gotta admit - I have been leery as hell about a massively multiplayer experience in Tamriel.
This video has me getting my enthusiasm back. They said a lot of the right things, in terms of maintaining what draws me to the single player games Bethesda makes. Also, they say a lot of the right things to make me interested in it as an MMO.
Now this is a very early promo, and a very broad view of the gametaken as a whole, so I take everything seen and said with as much grains of salt as I take DDO's release notes these days. Time will tell how much of it actually pans out, or works as they say it will. But, I like what I see in that video. I look forward to some of their more in-depth stuff.
It's got my interest, at least for the time being.