Another 'just canceled subscription' post.

No rage quit, I have been playing since feb 2008. I Have seen this game go from a niche game that was extremly well crafted and thought out. To a game that is more like....a constant fenderbender, as opposed to the train wreck that some are talking about on the forums and in game{nobody paying attention, lots of minor damage that is no big deal alone but it all adds up to looking like junk}.

Wasn't going to post about the fact that I am quitting{bottem line...Who Cares, other then ME.} But after I canceled my subscription, I clicked on the link for the exit survey and it sent me to the homepage for the company that does the survey,not the survey. Are they expecting me to search the site to see if I could find the magic survey?, or is it just one more indication of the fact that there is real issues in management? IT? QA? Coding? the person that gets the sandwichs?

To those at turbine that are trying to get this game back on track, Good Luck to all of you.
To those at Turbine that are pushing a personal version of how this game should be....Please Quit.{go start your own game, I'll even try it!}

How the @#%## did my immunity items become resists? {because someone had to have loth? couldnt code str8 out magic poison specific to loth and her followers? had to change the whole shabang........Sorry that upset me (:

Lag hints: Get rid of your swap file, you have more then enough ram to do without it. TURN OFF all Combat feedback!