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Thread: Favored Soul.

  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default Favored Soul.

    I have just unlocked the Favored Soul through rep and of course would like to give it a go. I have come across many of them while grouping with others and they seem to be ether casters or healers, is that all there is to them?

    I would like to make a caster but im not sure if they are the same as clerics with their build or does it vary much, i was gonna make a human (extra feat) and i have the 32 point build. I have only tinkered with casters in general so not sure what future feats would be useful and at what stage. ( i wouldn't have thought getting maximize at lvl 3 would be a good idea due to low SP pools) If any1 has any idea's or know were i can look at some build would be very appreciated.

    Thank You very much.

  2. #2
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Jun 2010


    FavSouls are far better casters than Clerics.

    All FavSouls should be able to Heal a Party no matter what style they go for - Caster or Melee.

    If you want to go caster spec on a Soul then of course you're gonna want Maximise, Heighten, Quicken and Spell Pen.
    You're probably gonna want Empower too.
    Obviously Toughness is a Must no matter what.
    Not sure if Mental Toughness is required for the prestige - If not then you can do without it.
    Spell Focus Evo and Necro are desirable too.

    Toughness and Extend are good low level feats - Extend can be swapped out later on BUT at low levels it helps a lot!

    Remember that you have enough spell slots to always have two or more cure/heal spells available from lvl 3 onwards.
    You can swap out the lower level versions as the next one becomes available.
    If you don't want to be a raid healer - Fine - But there's no excuse for not being able to keep a 6 man party healed on a Soul!

    Always check your prestige for feat requirements!
    Last edited by FranOhmsford; 11-08-2012 at 05:47 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Here a build idea for a first life Human evoker:

    Stat (32 points): 10/8/16/8/18/12 All level up on wisdom

    Skill: Max concentration and UMD, balance from lv 7 if you eat and int +2 tome

    Feat: toughness, maximize, empower, SF: evo, quicken, eighten, spell enetration, greater spell penetration

    Epic Feat: epic spell penetration (you can drop this, your spell penetration will be usefull only in EN or EH anyway without ESP)/GSF: evo, ESF: evo/wis +1 (if that is odd)

    Noticeable items (easy-medium to acquire):
    Chitin breastplate, spider-silk robe, cannith crafted necro +2 and evo +2, some random 1Hander with impulse/radiance/devotion (to swap properly), GS items (+45 HP, maybe also SP and conopp). I can be more specific if needed.

    I hope that helped

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