Thanks for both replies, I really really appreciate it!
I'm essentially a noob, I only have about 6 months play time total.
I see what you're saying with Orc extra action boost vs. Kensai3.
Re: Toughness vs Cleave & GCleave - I've never used them before, I will give them a try. Do they work well with TH fighting?
Re: Imp Sunder - I agree its a bit underwhelming in my exp (my highest level I ever reached was 10 on a Pally). Maybe I can make that one of the last picks?
Re: Weapon Specializations - My thoughts were to be able to use whatever uber TH weapon I came across, but you're absolutley right I can respec if needed.
Re: AC3 vs STR3 - my thinking was that I always seemed to have trouble getting good AC and the +15 just looked awesome to me. My lack of playing experience beyond L10 may be to blame for my choice here.
Is 3 levels of Fighter Toughness still too much?
I understand STR all the way, thanks!
Brutal Throw and PBS didn't make sense to me either and I knew it was screwed up, but by the time I selected these Fighter bonus feats it was all that was left. I will definately make the changes to select BT and QD.
Thanks again, added rep to you both! :thumb:
EDIT - Forgot to mention, you guys rock!