We started as a bunch of Lineage II played long ago. But with the latest expansion now a year ago (Goddess of Destruction), the Goddess indeed did destroy the Lands of Aden for usSo we started on a journey for a new home with a less destructive Goddess and thought that in Tyria (Guild Wars 2) we had found our lands.
But not all of us were sure about that... One of the new Tyria citizens was sure it was not a new home, and the others were not quite sure either.
I took the step to Ebberon (again) and enjoyed what I saw this time. I enjoyed it enough to setup our guild here in these strange realms as well and find new members to enjoy the world of Ebberon from it's earliest arrival all through it's portal to Abeir Toril.
We are the Knights of Beowulf and are looking for (new) players in Ebberon to join our ranks and enjoy all that Ebberon has to offer. Be it from short adventures to large questes. As long as you're not one who's rushing through all that Ebberon has to offer, you're welcome to join. But keep in mind, We're new in the world of Ebberon and pretty young there - both our characters as well as our guild...
Knights of Beowulf forum: http://www.knightsofbeowulf.com - Please sign up there and I'll get in touch with you in Ebberon for the invite...