I plan on TRing my melee favored soul(He's boring now since WF keep getting shafted) into a healbot. I'd like him to be able to do more than heal though, since I'll get bored otherwise. What feats should I take for this sort of a cleric? I expect Quicken, Maximize, Empower, Empower Heal, Toughness, Shield Mastery, and Improved Shield Mastery to be useful, but what else?

Maybe more Toughness? Epic Toughness if I can get to 21 con? Heighten for better Blade Barriers and Comet Falls maybe? Spell Focus isn't worth it on a build that's not pure offensive caster. Meh. Forum people, halp me! And please don't tell me to get more than two past lives. I have one Favored Soul life and plan on doing a Cleric past life too, just to enjoy those free healing bursts.