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  1. #21
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by user110000 View Post
    Thanks for reply. I had already turnined down nearly everything, doesnt really help. Increase cache size to how much? it was on 0.10.
    I have turned it all the way up and it has helped with a lot of the issues i got post u14.
    Give it a try and turn it back if it don't work for you (it depends on your disk swap).

    You seem to have checked the other things suggested in this thread.
    Remember all types of lag stacks, so checking all is worth the time, like sound drivers, etc.

    If you don't want to run in low graphics you may need or want a newer card.
    On my newer computer i found that a not-so-new radeon like the 63xx can do most of the dirty work.
    (cheaper than the newer ones)

  2. #22
    Community Member ArgentMage's Avatar
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    If you are open to putting in a graphics card that will nail DDO, I'd go with the
    Radeon 6670. Single-slot, low power (gets all its power from the slot), with
    a street price around $70. This card should run the high-res client on "High"
    (with "Ultra-high" Object Draw Distance) without breaking a sweat. It will
    also run DX10/DX11 if you decide to upgrade to Win7/8.

    That said, you may want to try the standard-def client first, as this could
    push the lag bottleneck to your spindle. If you get nice, snappy performance
    from the standard-def client, then you could give the high-def client a go.

  3. #23
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    I adjusted many settings then with the downtime i copied the keymap files (or whatever they are called), uninstalled, deleted the folder from program files, reinstalled standard resolution in root directory and updated the game, now waiting for server to come back up to give it a whirl.
    Ill have to copy the files back over to keep my settings, dont think ive done that yet.

  4. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by user110000 View Post
    so gh for example?
    Yeap. Also things that work against you like "Doom", "prayer" (I think), The Cha shrine buff, swapping about Cha items, etc.

    Also, you may want to play with your graphic settings and push them up just a bit. Back when I started, 2006, if you dropped your graphics settings to low, what it would do is shove a lot of the work onto the CPU. But pushing the graphic settings up higher, would offload that work to the GPU. (I could watch this by seeing how much processing my CPU was doing.)

    What you may want to do is turn off post processing effects (which actually add a LOT to the game visually) and then play to try to find a sweet spot of graphic settings.

  5. #25
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    worlds are back up, fresh install, no changes whatsoever, graphics very high, all sorts of other settings appear to be high or very high yet running from my ship to crafting hall, the graphics are nice (i have a shadow, havent seen one of them in a while) and it appears to run quite smoothly. my hotbars etc are quite big though.

    Gonna leave it like this and jump into a crowded quest see what its like.

  6. #26
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    was a bit laggy running around eveningstar then went down to underdark same. brought graphics down to high, still a bit laggy.

  7. #27
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by user110000 View Post
    was a bit laggy running around eveningstar then went down to underdark same. brought graphics down to high, still a bit laggy.
    Yeah there's the heavy duty public areas like those (house cannith, harbor, market, etc.)
    did u tried turning down object distance? agree it's a pain to toggle it when in and out of quests but see if it helps.

  8. #28
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    Ive decided to reinstall win xp cos i have a sound driver issue that i cant fix (theres a missing file i must reinstall manually to a certain location somewhere) it makes me bsod with sound on, had no sound now for months, that may be a cause of lag. So im gonna start fresh try and get all the drivers and possibly install into a partition. Starting new thread to try to get a quick answer.

    Thanks for the help folks.

  9. #29
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    Default one Solution for lag

    I used to have the same problem in my computer, here is what helped me:
    (my PC: 3Gb DD2-667,X2 4000+,8800GS)
    1. If u have windows7 64bit use TCPOptimizer with optimal settings (this helps with microlags, my game have become much faster) Maybe it works for winXP too I dont know.
    2. Start game and log in to any area then look around and press esc, then QUIT. When the game window closed restart the game using launcher and your game will be miles much faster (I dont really understand why, but most of my friends confirmed that this works and brings faster game experience even after you go to another area)

  10. #30
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    I reinstalled winxp got all my drivers etc and was pretty much the same, then i reduced the screen resolution (which i had maxed to make hotbars smaller cos i use 13) and the performance seemed to increase a great deal.
    Quite annoyed with myself that i didnt lower screen resolution before but when i fiddled all i saw was bigger hotbars. Lowering graphics to very low didnt seem to have any effect.
    Im sure i was told to do so by you helpful folks but didnt realise the effect it would have.
    Anyone have any idea what it does apart from hotbar size because it doesnt seem to affect the actual game graphics at all?

  11. #31
    Community Member ArgentMage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by user110000 View Post
    Anyone have any idea what it does apart from hotbar size because it doesnt seem to affect the actual game graphics at all?
    Everything except the hotbars will simply scale when you change the resolution,
    so the picture basically looks the same, but the edges of everything will look
    more jagged. The hotbars can't scale because those little square images are
    a certain size in pixels, so when you reduce the resolution, they get bigger.
    Everything else is a 3D projection, so that stuff is simply re-rendered at a
    different scale. (You asked!)

  12. #32
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    And this reminds me of something I myself often forget...

    One of the biggest causes of client side load times and lag has to do with disk accessing. The amount of internal memory that is used to support a certain screen resolution is 1/4 less (or more) if you use half the resolution (in each direction, assuming the same colors) That means that any swapping of this memory to and from HDD such as with Virtual Memory may -greatly- be sped up on some systems. Also, more than one copy of this memory may be kept, memory management with all or some of this memory may be much faster especially on a busy system, and software (even the game) may be able to work with the screen much faster if the area it works with is smaller. (This depends a lot on how the software is written, to be sure.) There are a lot of wrinkles to this and it gets complex fast, but that's the basic idea.

    Bottom line, I have to remember to suggest lowering screen resolution as one way to lower some lag and load times.

  13. #33
    Community Member Tres_Tacos's Avatar
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    I used to use a program called game booster on my old machine. Basically it shuts down all non-gaming related background programs to free up every bit of ram possible. You just run it before you start the game, then turn it off when you're through and it restarts all the things it stopped.

  14. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by Caca80 View Post
    2. Start game and log in to any area then look around and press esc, then QUIT. When the game window closed restart the game using launcher and your game will be miles much faster (I dont really understand why, but most of my friends confirmed that this works and brings faster game experience even after you go to another area)
    That is an operating system effect and not a game effect. It deals with caching of files.

  15. #35
    Community Member MobiusMk2's Avatar
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    Ive been having client lag problems since Update 16 came out. This is what has worked for me...

    1) Expand your virtual memory size to at least 16 GB. Go to Windows Help to see how this is done.

    2) Turn off your computer and restart before a new session.

    I believe the problem lies with Update 16 having a memory allocation fault. It continues to fill up available memory and once it reaches the limit, lag begins to set in. Larger virtual memory takes longer to fill. Shutting down between sessions resets the memory.

    Hope this helps.

  16. #36
    Community Member MobiusMk2's Avatar
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    Smile Update 16 lag problem

    Oops. Meant this to be a new thread. My bad.
    Last edited by MobiusMk2; 12-27-2012 at 05:46 AM.

  17. #37
    Community Member MobiusMk2's Avatar
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    Well, I may have to take it all back.

    Yesterday, when I posted the above, DDO was running (for me) the best I had seen in weeks. I was seeing only the occasional stutter. I THOUGHT I had the problem under control.

    Then came today, Dec 27. I logged on about 2 hours after the the hotfix that had been scheduled. After being online for about 5 minutes, lag began to set in. Moderate at first, it got progressively worse to the point I could no longer play the game. The controls became so jerky, I could not move in any coherent fashion.

    Still trying to figure this out, but I am no longer sure I am on the right track. Oh, well.

  18. #38
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    DDO is a 32-bit application. Windows will limit it's ram usage to 2gig, so increasing your swap size will not help you. In fact, if windows swaps ram to disk more, this will hinder your performance. Having as much DDO running from ram is ideal. Having said that however, note the following:

    There are still a few memory leaks in the DDO client. You can see this in the task manager, the more quests you run, character swaps etc... you will see the ddo application increase in ram usage. When the application is using around 1.5gig ram, at this point you will begin experiencing some performance issues, and as the application gets closer to the 2 gig limit, it will crash (dump you out, crash loading into the sands or necropolis.)

    If you are going to play for an extended period of time, it's best to work around this problem by closing the cient and restarting. This is why you see some people in game stating that they are going to relog, be right back.

    As of this writing, the standard res DDO client is about 6.5gig in size without internal file fragmentation. If your client is larger than this, say greater than 7 gig, it's time for a fresh install.

    A really good bang for the buck performance boost is if you get an 8 gig or larger memory stick (they are pretty cheap now,) copy the DDO client files over, and run from the stick. On an older system like yours, you'll love running from a stick if your usb ports are at least v2.0 or greater.

    I'm running standard res DDO client on an ancient machine, winxp, 2gig ram, 1gig swap file, from a memory stick. Works great

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  19. #39
    Community Member FestusHood's Avatar
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    I have a question about changing the resolution to reduce the slowdown effect. Whenever i reduce the resolution my screen becomes very distorted. Basically it becomes fat, like maybe it is reducing the number of vertical lines more than the horizontal ones. I am using one of those widescreen monitors. Is there any way to prevent this distortion? I guess in video terms the game appears to be in a relatively square aspect ratio, but my monitor clips the top and bottom similar to how the bars in a letterboxed movie clips the top and bottom of the image to simulate a widescreen image. Is there some way to switch to a full frame type of image?

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