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Thread: LF Gear advice

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default LF Gear advice


    My sole character is a lvl 24 FvS - DC caster that mixes healing and casting but no melee. Mostly EH and a bit of raiding - rarely in EE where I mostly heal and use light spells.

    My current gear is:

    Goggles: none really. I sometimes use the darkvision ones other times some crafted +1 Luck googles. I plan to make some GS googles probably con-opp.
    Head: Minos Legens (Hvy Fort + Toughness)
    Trinket: Ioun Stone (GSpellPen IX, +200 SP)

    Neck:Symbol of the Shining Sun (Wis +7, Insightful Cha +2, Conc +15, set bonus of 10% SP cost)
    Chest: BP of the Shining Sun (+6 BP, Resistance +6, Efficient Metamagic - Empower Healing II, Toughness, set bonus of 10% SP cost)
    Ring1: Signet of the Shining Sun (Cha +7, Insightful Wis +2, Superior Healing Lore, set bonus of 10% SP cost)

    Bracers: Bracers of the Sun Soul (Wis +7, Insightful Con +2, Superior Parrying)
    Belt: Belt of the Sun Soul (Con +7, Insightful Wis +2, Conc +15)
    Gloves: PDK (Str +7, Insightful Con +2, Healing Amp +30%)

    Cloak: Dragon challenge cloak (Spell focus Mastery +2, some potency and some spell power)
    Ring: Random (Dex +7, Balance +15)
    Feet. Cannith Boots of Propulsion (Striding 30%, FF, Jump +10, Enh Jump +5)

    Main hand: Swapping 1h weapons with Devotion + Healing Lore, Light spell power and Force spell power depending on spells cast.
    Shield: Wall of Wood (+6, +5 nat arm, Heal Amp 20%, Devotion +102, DR 10/Slash)

    Now, I realise I have many effects in doubles and would love to use the space better. Mostly I am looking for higher DC and Lore for light spells and Blade Barrier.

    I like the set bonus of -10% sp cost on all spells - but even so I hope eventually to swap in an (neck) Epic Torc fitted with +1 insight wis and (Chest) Leaves of the Forest (Hvy Fort, Exc Fort, +3 Insight Wis/Con). This would give me another 2 wisdom - the main issue is the loss of +6 resistance which I am unsure where to slot instead. Any suggestions?

    Is there a +3 Spell Mastery item for FvS evocation?

    Any ideas on how to slot Lore for Light spells and Blade Barrier?

    I am also eyeing the Litany of the Dead for the trinket slot - but that would lose me Spell Pen IX. Any suggestions on where and how to slot that instead?

    I cannot figure out how to reslot both Hvy Fort and Toughness so I can finally drop the Minos Legens. Sofar I have toughness on the BP while the replacement I am looking for has Hvy Fort instead - but both at the same time elude me.

    To my horror I lack (Superior) False Life but cannot seem to figure out how to slot that.

    Finally, I am considering an Alchem shield for an extra +2 wis though I really like the Wall of Wood but an extra DC would be splendid.

    Any and all advice is most welcome.
    Last edited by mikarddo; 10-31-2012 at 06:19 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member tekkentroop's Avatar
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    Dec 2010


    My caster fvs gets arcane lore by wearing a blue dragon scale. Since you have the adamantine cloak of the dragon, you might think about using the skiver. You can slot spell pen IX with cannith goggles. Do you use any greensteel? My fvs wears greensteel in bracer and goggle slot. HP greensteel with heavy fortification or con-opp is pretty good.

    On Thelanis: Makkuroi - Heroic+Epic completionist, 30+ Past lives - Guild: Zeugen der Dreizehn

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by tekkentroop View Post
    My caster fvs gets arcane lore by wearing a blue dragon scale. Since you have the adamantine cloak of the dragon, you might think about using the skiver. You can slot spell pen IX with cannith goggles. Do you use any greensteel? My fvs wears greensteel in bracer and goggle slot. HP greensteel with heavy fortification or con-opp is pretty good.
    Thanks, I will look into those suggestions. Do you swap in the skiver when casting and back to a shield when not or do you wear the skiver full time?

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