My sole character is a lvl 24 FvS - DC caster that mixes healing and casting but no melee. Mostly EH and a bit of raiding - rarely in EE where I mostly heal and use light spells.
My current gear is:
Goggles: none really. I sometimes use the darkvision ones other times some crafted +1 Luck googles. I plan to make some GS googles probably con-opp.
Head: Minos Legens (Hvy Fort + Toughness)
Trinket: Ioun Stone (GSpellPen IX, +200 SP)
Neck:Symbol of the Shining Sun (Wis +7, Insightful Cha +2, Conc +15, set bonus of 10% SP cost)
Chest: BP of the Shining Sun (+6 BP, Resistance +6, Efficient Metamagic - Empower Healing II, Toughness, set bonus of 10% SP cost)
Ring1: Signet of the Shining Sun (Cha +7, Insightful Wis +2, Superior Healing Lore, set bonus of 10% SP cost)
Bracers: Bracers of the Sun Soul (Wis +7, Insightful Con +2, Superior Parrying)
Belt: Belt of the Sun Soul (Con +7, Insightful Wis +2, Conc +15)
Gloves: PDK (Str +7, Insightful Con +2, Healing Amp +30%)
Cloak: Dragon challenge cloak (Spell focus Mastery +2, some potency and some spell power)
Ring: Random (Dex +7, Balance +15)
Feet. Cannith Boots of Propulsion (Striding 30%, FF, Jump +10, Enh Jump +5)
Main hand: Swapping 1h weapons with Devotion + Healing Lore, Light spell power and Force spell power depending on spells cast.
Shield: Wall of Wood (+6, +5 nat arm, Heal Amp 20%, Devotion +102, DR 10/Slash)
Now, I realise I have many effects in doubles and would love to use the space better. Mostly I am looking for higher DC and Lore for light spells and Blade Barrier.
I like the set bonus of -10% sp cost on all spells - but even so I hope eventually to swap in an (neck) Epic Torc fitted with +1 insight wis and (Chest) Leaves of the Forest (Hvy Fort, Exc Fort, +3 Insight Wis/Con). This would give me another 2 wisdom - the main issue is the loss of +6 resistance which I am unsure where to slot instead. Any suggestions?
Is there a +3 Spell Mastery item for FvS evocation?
Any ideas on how to slot Lore for Light spells and Blade Barrier?
I am also eyeing the Litany of the Dead for the trinket slot - but that would lose me Spell Pen IX. Any suggestions on where and how to slot that instead?
I cannot figure out how to reslot both Hvy Fort and Toughness so I can finally drop the Minos Legens. Sofar I have toughness on the BP while the replacement I am looking for has Hvy Fort instead - but both at the same time elude me.
To my horror I lack (Superior) False Life but cannot seem to figure out how to slot that.
Finally, I am considering an Alchem shield for an extra +2 wis though I really like the Wall of Wood but an extra DC would be splendid.
Any and all advice is most welcome.