really nice ...thanks for all the work ...only constructive feedback i have is alot of the guilds arent showing up
really nice ...thanks for all the work ...only constructive feedback i have is alot of the guilds arent showing up
I think this is really cool. Now if the server status page could also show active population![]()
Bug template! QA is here for you.
How random DD is
how to handle this random, anywhere
Sarlona: Seikojin, Toy
Nice work. :-)
Blackmoor Defenders (LVL - 193)
Ghallanda ...Lhazaar 2006
Forum-ID u779 : Guild Leader of The Blackmoor Defenders
Interesting, on my page for my toon Turtel it displays the correct guild I'm in, The Army of Darkness, but when I look at the guild page for them I'm not in it, and still listed on my old guild Thinami's page. My husband is also still listed un Thinami, but correctly on his toon page but not on teh guild roster page. It's my first visit, so I don't have a cache issue to clear out.
Turtel, Turtley Wrath, Tortoisse, Waterssong, Victerr Creed, Utahraptor, Velocaraptor, Minddancer, Loggerhead, Matamata, Sulcata, Ticerratops, Sierrann, Hankx, Shartelhane
Member of Highlords of Malkier! Help channel, everyone welcome in this channel!
Nice work too bad your stuck with the myddo data.
Example my character Wook on Khyber is not a level 4 dwarf fighter.
Doesn't this just pull from MyDDO? I've been out for a few months and when I came back, my character Sylverion doesn't show up on MyDDO but it shows up in your tool. Odd![]()
YourDDO doesn't leave any intentional cookies on anyone's systems. The only cookie that should be left there are the session ID's, which I will add to the list of things to do. No worries, it's rather simple to refresh the session cookies.
I have had a couple of PM's regarding guild's with punctuation in their name (mostly apostrophe's). After I finish this post, I'm going to be diving head on into the code and seek 'n destroy the problem. If anyone notices that their guild or any other guild which is active on their server not being listed, please post the guild name(s) and the server to this thread and, if needed, I'll do case by case research.
Unfortunately, guilds are plagued by similar issues as character/player data in my.ddo. The only thing that I can feasibly see as the issue is a change in leader, or changing the name of an already existing guild. I'm sure that there may be more to it, but this is just what I speculate. I'm not saying that this is the case every time, but it's something that shouldn't be ruled out.
I still have the old version on the server, and it wouldn't be very difficult to just add a link in the top left corner of the new version to switch over to the old version for in-game usage. It may be possible to detect using the ingame browser specifically and do an automatic redirect to the old version. That's something I will have to touch base with the Turbine team to find out more specifics about the exact browser used in the game.
And my goal is make this tool as versatile and functional to every DDO player in every format possible. (Caveat: Speaking of every format, I have been consulting with a friend that is a developer of Android applications for a company that shall remain unnamed. He's going to assist me in porting the site, or portions thereof as a native Android phone/tab app.)
The engine that is used to parse all the data for the guild rosters is a very busy engine. It crawls 24 hours a day updating non stop. It does tend to get bogged down by extremely large guilds. And by getting bogged down, I am referring to running out of memory and exiting the script. This has been an issue ever since I first published the tool. I normally do maintenance on the engine daily to ensure that everything is running smoothly.
However, with the addition of the class ranks/images, the engine has another thing that it must do now. So it is running a little slower than it normally does. I am constantly tweaking it and improving performance in every and any way that I can.
So I ask that if your rosters are out dated some, or inaccurate, to please be patient. My eventual goal is to crawl every guild on every server (and there's over 12,000 just over level 20) in 48 hours or less. I just have to find the perfect balance, because every guild is different.
I'll take a look at Wook and see if it's a data error, or a special case. But it does sound like a data error, which unfortunately, I have no control over.
Thanks for all the good feedback everyone!If you mentioned/PM'd a bug report, I will start working on fixes. If all goes well, I should have most done by the weekend. As I stated above, the guild rosters being out of date is something that I am constantly working on.
Unfortunately, for the next 2 weeks or so, I'm likely to be at work for 12 to 14 hours each day (just got off of a 12 hour day today). But I will get what I can done as soon as I can. And hopefully squeeze in some Mabar action somewhere...![]()
Essentially, it pulls from the same data pool as my.ddo. But no, it doesn't directly scrape my.ddo for anything except for calculating current life max experience. Several months ago, someone noticed that TR experience wasn't displaying properly, so my only option was to scrape my.ddo to find out what life the toon was on.
It's not my personally favorite way of getting data, but it's the only option for that particular issue.![]()
Glad to hear that goal, as I mentioned before, it really is a great tool, using it for monster manual hunting is what I use it for most often and it is by far the most convenient thing to line up your site and my monster manual for side by side comparison. Thanks again for all your work! Also looking forward to an android version!
Very nice job! +1
The Best Server: Gallhanda
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seems to run alot slower than its previous incarnation, ive had it time out several times, different times of day and different browsers and computers, will run really slow doing anything, then load one really fast then seem to do nothing except show assorted error screens, when i have it reload from any of these errors im always in a different tab than the one im going to. havent seen anything but issues to the point of barely being able to use this new version, maybe revert back till you can get this one stable.
Just stated poking around it. Looks Tony the Tiger GREAT!
Big +1
Very nice.
H A R A H A R A - H A R A M A K I - H A R A S E K U
<°))))>< S A R L O N A ><((((°>
It is so nice that it is in my signature for a couple of months now. Gotta make sure people knows about it!
Oh and... here is a +1![]()
Follow me if I advance. Kill me if I retreat. Avenge me if I die.