No real problems noted tonight on 2 runs for Sarlona on Epic setting. Killed the dragon both times one almost before we knew what was happening. No signs of lag on those runs. So it could be server related perhaps.
No real problems noted tonight on 2 runs for Sarlona on Epic setting. Killed the dragon both times one almost before we knew what was happening. No signs of lag on those runs. So it could be server related perhaps.
Sarlona - The Ko Brotherhood :Jareko-Elf Ranger12Rogue8+4E; Hennako-Human Cleric22; Rukio-Human Paladin18; Taellya-Halfling Rogue16; Zenako-Dwarf Fighter10Cleric1; Daniko-Drow Bard20; Kerriganko-Human Cleric18; Buket-WF Fighter6; Xenophilia-Human Wiz20; Zenakotwo-Dwarf Cleric16; Yadnomko-Halfling Ftr12; Gabiko-Human Bard15; lots more
What DDO or any game says are minimum requirements and what you settings you apply are 2 different things, as i stated in an earlier post i have seen customers running min. req. and setting everything to High Res, that is a lag trap right there.
You should tell that to EA or Atari
I personally didn't notice any lag that was out of the ordinary. When people say they are lagged out for minutes at a time, unable to move, i've never had that happen. Unless you are talking about what i call latency spikes, which i do have happen occasionally. They almost never seem to be related to any particular thing for me though. I usually get some slowdown and choppiness when lots of spell graphics are going off, particularly if i am standing inside them and they fill my screen. I am almost certain this is from my mediocre graphics card though
Wasn't seeing anything than the occasional blip in the hour and a half I played last night. Dragon fight was quick and practically lag free. There will be some lag this weekend no doubt. But it shouldn't interfere significantly with your game unless you have some client-side issues. As I said, ran it for about an hour and a half during peak PM play time in the US and wasn't seeing any lag worth mentioning.
same ran for a couple of hours of mabar and 6 hours total there where small lag spikes but nothing to write home about (am I am on the far side of the world)
Lag. Pssh! A thing of the past. You don't need a gaming computer! You just need an nearly up to date graphics card and lots of RAM. My computer still has a graphics card from 5 years ago. I only had 1 gb RAM. Upgraded to a full 4 GB for $55 and haven't had a major lag spike sense. The only time I do lag is UMD usage (very common among players) and when mass AoEs go off! Also, if you can't afford the RAM upgrade, clean out the dust, get IObit Game Booster, defrag those game files, and take down the useless **** running that you don't need!
Mabar is one of the best times of year. Yes, it may cause instance lag, but not really any server lag. The only lag you should have in it is when you are in Mabar areas or somehow your dungeon instance gets tossed in with the same area in the game files.
Also, yes Sandy is now taking out power all over the east coast. Yes, the server and main hub for Turbine is located in that area. If by chance the power did go out, then the generators would be taking care of what power in the servers they can... assuming they have those. The devs worked very hard to make this community happy, even working from home with the threat of a hurricane on the doorstep just to bring up this event for the hundreds of players waiting for those handwraps, robes, cloak and other various items. I must say, that have surprised me with the demand and supplied us like no other game company I have heard off, working like that. Cheers to you!
Also... on the bright side... Mabar is just a couple weeks. If the lag gets you that bad Assassins Creed 3 just came out and Halo 4 is soon to release. :P
Darthwolf: 3 - LagDragon: 2
Still in the lead!
=$==$==$==$==$==$==$==ORIEN==$==$==$==$==$==$==$=Darthwolf **(?_?) Zendarth m(?_?m) Darthnoheals \(?_?)=$==$==$==$==$==$==House Do'Urden==$==$==$==$==$==$=
wow i swear some people in these forums are so greedy. you demanded turbine who had to be evacuated out of their building start their game and risk lives just so you could play your stupid game. 33 people if not more died. billions worth of damage caused 8 million out of power but oooooooooooooooooohhhhh noes my laaaaagggggg in mabar is WAYYY more important then any of that stuff. you tell them to suck it up and fix the lag, stop the event, fix the event, start the event.
Wanna know why most people think your selfish because the first words out of your mouth isn't about anyone's safety just the game. So yeah we think your greedy. whether or not you care or not. first words are you guys ok not FIX THE LAG. Seriously guys/gals chill out. Do we know if the servers were at full capacity/potential? no idea. i don't now that stuff, but since i know Sandy effected the area im not going to complain about a game.
I wanted to also add this. I have read some of the posts about sandy. Some of you act like it was nothing and they should get over it. glad you really feel that way while others were effected by it.
i just want to add if Sandy didn't happen then some of your posts would be fine. Then you can say hey last year we had this and that. So why the same this year. Just give them some breathing room.
Last edited by arkonas; 10-31-2012 at 05:26 AM.
what you think this is a democracy?
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