A hurricane is not a reason to excuse everything bad in the universe. Its a reason maybe to be a little more concerned about climate change, and to be concerned for those in its path, but lag in DDO? During Mabar, which has always lagged out the servers?
I would be more likely to take it seriously if you said there was a worldwide epidemic of the hamster flu.
I don't notice any additional lag during Mabar or Cove, so I don't know what you're talking about. I was running And the Dead Shall Rise in Delara's graveyard and still didn't notice any out of the ordinary lag.
Just ran a lag free instance of 20-25. We had about 4-6 per chamber and 2 per lever.
Additionally no summons etc.
Might try controlling the number of people and that may help.
Everyone screamed for Mabar over the last few days. The forums have been on fire with the rage! Turbine scrambled to get it working, and turned it on during a Hurricane and then evacuated the building. Hopefully they are all safe and with their families. If lag is your most important issue this week, then I think things will get better for you....maybe.
Ps. Almost 8 Million people on the East Coast with no power.
Last edited by Battlehawke; 10-31-2012 at 05:07 AM.
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I only lag a bit when I switch destinies other than that, everything seems to be running just fine.
"drink triple ... see double ... act single! uh oh wife aggro" *hides*
1st u r missing the point.
2nd u make me look like i dont give a **** about what happened, which is pretty bad thing to do, because u dont know me and because its not the truth. but as i told above, im not gona say anythin about the hurricane in this forums.
3rd Turbine could just postpone Mabar.
4th Turbine is company. companies live by having #1 priority, something called PROFIT.
It has nothing to do with 'Uber Nasa Computers' i build and design custom gaming rigs, starting from as little as AUD$800, it's simply understanding the capabilites of your rig vs the game and 9/10 times i see my customers demanding far more than their rig can handle, stupid things like graphics ramped right up on a $50 card. Having said that i am not saying it is always the rig, because i see lag, nowhere near the scale some claim but i do get it often and yes i do have the 'Uber Nasa Rig' lmao. It comes back to turbines servers and pipes not handling the traffic, AND COMBINE that with a poorly equipped rig on the players end and i can see the crazy lag people are saying happens.
I don't have anything to say about the rest, but I wanted to say that I particularly agree with the bolded. Most of the time, when I hear people in the General chat complain about lag, I seem to be fine. The people complaining aloud are usually few and far between, so I would think it's something on their end, and no DDO.
Some peopel love Mabar, some people hate it.
Instead of closing it, why not close the client? I did. I'll be back after mabar is over and there are groups again.
/not signed
We had some lag when mobbed with skeletons a few times. Once it was so bad we all ended up dead when it ended even though both healers were spamming mass heals and cures the whole time.
The dragon battle was laggy twice when blade barriers and dancing spheres were up and not laggy the other 2 times when there were none. I thought it might be due to the blade barriers and dancing spheres but others say that is mythology.
Still, even with a litlte lag i want my Mabar!!!
IF u were online by the time of 1st dragon today, u would witness (i talk about Khyber) a WHOLE freakin server lag.
and thats not JUST ME. i didnt see A SINGLE person tellin something like '' i have no lag here''. all u could read in general chat, through dragon, was about how laggy it was. there were massive DCs even after dragon and servers were laggin up to the airships. furthermore, ppl from other serves are already complaining IN THIS FORUM about lag issues. now, what i just said, is pretty much on EVERY Mabar event. every year. lagfest. if u dont see the lag, thats good for you. just spend 5 minutes in general chat and see what ppl say, or see ppl around u floating while u pass by them . thats what i am saying. why is that SO hard to understand?
Here is DDO's system requirements. Recommended is 2.0 GHz. That's not very high.
I haven't played in a party at all so I don't know about lag, I only just got on an hour ago.
This lag is server side if people WHO ARE NOT PARTICIPATING IN MABAR are getting crushing amounts of lag. Don't just say "lol if you're having problems get a better PC" because no respectable game should require only the most high end of machines.
Gaming computers are primarily for improving the graphics anyway.
Last edited by Qezuzu; 10-31-2012 at 12:06 AM.