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  1. #1
    Community Member mobrien316's Avatar
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    Default Repeat penalty for XP...

    As I understand it, the reason for the repeat penalty is so that people will buy more packs. If they can buy one pack and run it endlessly, they might not buy other packs.

    If that is the case, why not let VIP's (who have access to all packs) be exempt from repeat penalties for XP?

    If, however, the reason for XP repeat penalties is NOT to encourage people to buy more packs, what is the reason? The "get people to buy packs" is the only reason I've heard that makes sense, but it is certainly possible there's another reason.

    I don't really see why Turbine would care if a VIP runs Gianthold quests a few dozen times while ignoring Necropolis quests (for example.) I'm sure there are at least as many fans of the Necropolis quests as there are people who don't like them, so there would still be parties forming (except for maybe Tomb of the Tormented...)
    All on Thelanis: Archenpaul Sixblade (Epic Triple Completionist), Archernicus Thornwood, Crestellin Moonwood, Gregorovic Redcloak, Jaklomeo Evermug, Jarladdin Nalfesne, Jonathraxius Kane, and Praetoreus Silvershield (Heroic Triple Completionist, Epic Triple Completionist.)

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  2. #2
    The Hatchery CaptainSpacePony's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mobrien316 View Post
    I don't really see why Turbine would care if a VIP runs Gianthold quests a few dozen times while ignoring Necropolis quests (for example.) I'm sure there are at least as many fans of the Necropolis quests as there are people who don't like them, so there would still be parties forming (except for maybe Tomb of the Tormented...)
    I think not. With no repeat penalty, I think LFMs for non MAX XP quests would be few and far between. Turbine's soft efforts to encourage diversified play are well placed.

    Furthermore, I think turbine would see a decrease in VIP subscriptions as some players just bought the must have packs.

    In an effort to keep sales up, future packs would have to have more and more xp/min than older content. Yuck!

    /Vehemently not signed

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainSpacePony View Post
    I think not. With no repeat penalty, I think LFMs for non MAX XP quests would be few and far between. Turbine's soft efforts to encourage diversified play are well placed.

    Furthermore, I think turbine would see a decrease in VIP subscriptions as some players just bought the must have packs.

    In an effort to keep sales up, future packs would have to have more and more xp/min than older content. Yuck!

    /Vehemently not signed
    Sorry but I think its arather good idea for at least a VIP perk. And perhaps a store buyable way to remove repeat penalties on a quest by quest basis.

    The simple fact is its turbines fault they created such static content that has a drastic impact on its fun factor when replayed. However some content is so well done some enjoy running them often. Some create alts for this, while some run favor farm groups for it just to have a reason.

    No other game I know makes replaying the content I enjoy a bad thing. Yet turbine has for a long time ignored this blatant flaw in their system.

    You cant force players to run content they dont enjoy, but why take away a players rightfully earned XP for doing content they do enjoy. The entire game is about replaying it, why should I have to TR to enjoy it again or roll a new toon, when I can play other MMO and if one aspect of it is more fun for me then others that is the one I can spend my free time on having fun.

    They could also try to stop giving content such varying degrees of XP. all quests of a given lvl with a given length should reward the same it really is that simple.

  4. #4
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    /not signed.

    Would definitely discourage diversified play - moreso than is already the case for many levels.

  5. #5
    Community Member Artos_Fabril's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mobrien316 View Post
    If, however, the reason for XP repeat penalties is NOT to encourage people to buy more packs, what is the reason? The "get people to buy packs" is the only reason I've heard that makes sense, but it is certainly possible there's another reason.
    I assumed it was a double reason:
    In Character/Common Sense - There's only so much you can learn by doing the same thing over and over again.
    Out of Character/Mechanical - In encourages people to run more varied content and see more of the game (repeat penalty pre-dates F2P, so it's not (or at least wasn't originally) about selling more packs.

    It would have been nice if repeat penalties were reduced at MotU launch, since there wasn't a spectacularly large amount of content available, and even less XP in the base expansion since the reduction of challenge XP. But this is becoming less of a problem as more packs are released. Would have been nice, though, if they'd reset repeat counts on pre-MotU epic content.

    Long-winded short: If it's about selling packs, there's already plenty of content/XP available for VIPs. And if you're right about repeat penalties driving pack sales, they'd really be shooting themselves in the foot by eliminating repeat penalties.

    ...and that doesn't even address the fact that bravery bonus exists to provide the exact opposite effect from what you're proposing.

    Although, based on the existence of the raid bypass timers, perhaps you'll be able to convince them to sell a store item to reset your repeat count on a quest.

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