When I login for the first time in every session of windows (each reboot or startup), DDO allows me to log into Sarlona, choose a character, and hit the character load screen. This screen then takes a LONG time after which my character is frozen in place. I can make attack animations and chug potion animations when I click my cosmetic hat, but I can't move or use spells and abilities. I also cannot tab out of DDO. During this time a dark orange ping box is up on the screen. After several minutes, I hear the ding of a Windows error , at this point I can open Windows Task Manager and the error box will show up, I can tell it to close DDO, there is a few to several minute wait before DDO shuts down. I can then launch DDO again and everything will work fine.
Often when I've been playing for many hours and get a DC while teleporting, I'll login to have the above happen again resulting in a double login to get back to playing. The process takes about 15 minutes total and I've usually been kicked out of the raid group by the time I get back.
Attempts that did not work:
Bypass Router/Direct Connect MODEM----->PC
Reset MODEM many times
Reset Router
New Wiring
WIFI vs Ethernet
New PC
Win XP vs Win 7
Charter's "fastest broadband in the country"
New install in another folder
Lamannia install in ANOTHER folder
Steam install in another folder
Log into friend's account
Alternate Account with a new character