I am new to DDO (obviously) and cannot figure out how to use my wand...
Please help...
I am new to DDO (obviously) and cannot figure out how to use my wand...
Please help...
a fire wand... the first wand you get...
I do not know what equp it means.... I have put it in my inventory and in my main hand... but it doesn't do anything
If it's in your main hand that's all that is need, just press attack to fire it.
Can the FVS use the wand in the first place, or is it only arcanes? OP mentioned fire wand, not the light thingy wand.
Are you referring to this wand?
Because if you are, the reason you can't use it is because it's an Arcane wand, not a Divine wand.
Favored Souls aren't supposed to get this. Only Sorcs and Wizards are. If you got it and you're a Favored Soul, then it's a bug.
If he's new, he didn't get it from veteran status. He got it from a Korthos quest reward.
As stated above if you are meaning the starter wand from korthos that shoots fire then the reason why is because you are a divine caster and the wand is meant for a arcane caster to be used.
There is a way as a fvs to bypass the requirments of arcane wands which requires the Use Magic Device skill. [the wand itself will tell you what umd is required, if your umd is lower it will show the chance to succeed using it.] FvS are pretty good at it if they want to as their base casting stat requires charisma [charisma boosts umd].
Not that there is much a FvS needs to umd on the arcane side [most ppl invest in umd for raise and heal / repair scrolls] but its worth mentioning I guess.
Hope this answers your question.
Drazzhar / Lelithh
iirc even non-casters have a chance to use eternal wands I think it is 5-15%.
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Sarlona - Auralana, Orcalana, JuicyLucy, Aquani, Wistia, Aurabella, Guildy, etc. If you see the last name Hather, it's either me or the hubby.
To use a wand, equip it in your main hand, select your target, and press the Attack button (right-click in my setup); you can also drag the wand onto a hotbar and click it once to equip it and again to use it.
If you're talking about this wand, you can't use it (or any other arcane wand) as a FvS, unless you took the UMD skill or are a half-elf with the wiz or sorc dilly feat. What you should've taken is this wand.
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