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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Tweak to streak part of bravery bonus ?

    So i just finish 4th life and even if i love the xp from BB, i think a small change is needed to allow new players to enjoy it without elite being the standard. I did a quick search on the forums and did not find anything specific to this suggestion. Instead of breaking the streak when someone does hard instead of elite, why not drop the elite counter by say 2 ?

    Example: my elite streak is at 5+ and i do a quest on hard, i get whatever the hard bonus is and if i do next quest on elite, my elite streak continues at 4? If i do 2 quests on hard in a row, my elite streak drops by 4, and if i do next quest on elite, i would have the “2 elite quest” streak.

    Something of this nature should be possible to implement i would think? A group fails on a difficult elite quest would not worry so much and just learn it on hard. I say I pug 50% of the time when levelling (rest = solo ,guild, friend list) and sometimes, with some groups, i just expect multiple deaths, because no one in group wanted to break their streak... yes i am looking at you two (amongst others): running with the devils and servant of the overlord!

    Just an idea to try and reduce “limitation” bravery bonus can cause.

  2. #2
    Community Member Jay203's Avatar
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    your suggestion kind of ignore the whole point of "streak"

    by hopping to hard, you break elite streak but still keep your hard streak. if you need to go on normal, maybe you or your party members are not ready to run that quest yet

    either step up the game or you don't get the benefit. simple work vs reward

    ppl tend to forget they can come back and do the quest when they're 3 levels above the quest base level and not worry about the bravery streak at all, if it's too rough for you, do some other quests and come back to this one later
    PS: Greensteel RUINED the game! and you all know it!
    less buffing, more nerfing!!!
    to make it easier for those of you that wants to avoid me in game, all my characters are in "Bladesworn Mercenaries"

  3. #3
    Community Member SiliconScout's Avatar
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    But then you aren't on a streak.

    Honestly I think if they capped the number at 5 it would solve a lot of those problems because face it if you have say 100 or 200 heck I hear rumours of 300+ streaks you aren't going to want to give it up because it's bragging rights.

    If the number caped at 5 (because face it the streak does) then people would be a lot less worried about breaking it.

    Even on my 4th life breaking streak is not a big deal to me. There are a few quests that you can farm the **** out of and I want the full streak for those but outside of prepping for those few quests I could care less.
    “Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.”

  4. #4
    Community Member OrodelaSol's Avatar
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    bb is yet another incentive to go p2p...they will never change these incentives since it means more revenue...why would or should they? if u r not paying to play what value r u to their company? am i missing something? (wouldnt be the first time...)

  5. #5
    Community Member licho's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kanuk View Post
    So i just finish 4th life and even if i love the xp from BB, i think a small change is needed to allow new players to enjoy it without elite being the standard. I did a quick search on the forums and did not find anything specific to this suggestion. Instead of breaking the streak when someone does hard instead of elite, why not drop the elite counter by say 2 ?

    Example: my elite streak is at 5+ and i do a quest on hard, i get whatever the hard bonus is and if i do next quest on elite, my elite streak continues at 4? If i do 2 quests on hard in a row, my elite streak drops by 4, and if i do next quest on elite, i would have the “2 elite quest” streak.

    Something of this nature should be possible to implement i would think? A group fails on a difficult elite quest would not worry so much and just learn it on hard. I say I pug 50% of the time when levelling (rest = solo ,guild, friend list) and sometimes, with some groups, i just expect multiple deaths, because no one in group wanted to break their streak... yes i am looking at you two (amongst others): running with the devils and servant of the overlord!

    Just an idea to try and reduce “limitation” bravery bonus can cause.
    The problem is that the whole idea of streak is a fail, and it serves nothing good exept making it harder to PUG and some braging purpose - which for some is a sole reason to play.

    IMHO its all about extra XP, and extra xp can be pumped in the game by various means: bonus for party, higher bonus for 1st time on difficulty, higher elite bonus, bonus for running different quests (on any difficulty), fair xp for all adventures, xp bonus for doing quests above level... pick what you like.

    You are right that there is too much presure to run Elite everything, so if somebody want to take it easy and learn quest on normal/hard there is no group for you. In the same time Elite is trivalized since everybody expect to be able to run elite everything as part of XP-plan.

    Lack of repeat penalty regeneration also add some mess.

    Not to mention that TRing calls for a lot of planning what to run and when to be anything near comfortable and smooth. So if someone likes to TR there is no much space for just enjoying the game and joining whatever is up.

    The good thing is that droping elite streak to hard cost you just 35% xp on 1st run, and 115% total. Which is equal to lose of 2 streak count with max of 5.

  6. #6
    Community Member -Avalon-'s Avatar
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    And it doesn't just make it hard to PUG in one direction... If you have a full elite streak, and want to keep it, you look at LFM's for elite quests... and you may even put up LFM's to look for people to do those quests with you...

    But then, the first time bonuses assist in making it a double-whammy...

    After busting the elite-cherry, you can do it on hard/normal/casual to get first time bonus... so you throw up an LFM looking for people to do it on hard, and all you get is silence... maybe if you are lucky, you get someone saying, "If you move it to elite, I'll join"... sooo.... hmmm... wonder why grouping is so difficult in DDO? Because of BB and First-Time bonuses...

    Put them together, and unless you have a regular group, you are basically spinning your wheels and HOPING to get anything done.

  7. #7
    Community Member moops's Avatar
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    On the otherhand... there are more LFMS IMHO

    I put up Elite LFMS for many things that I don't have the sp for, or, longer quests so they will go faster. If I wasn't doing a streak, I'd just solo or duo these on normal or hard.

    I've personally found that since BB came out, there have not only more LFMs, but often times I'd join an LFM and we would run for a couple hours.
    Hexxa CLR 25 *TR* * ~Hexanna ~*TR* FVS 25 * Hexecuter CLR 20 *Flexanna RGR/R/M 18/1/1 *TR* * Flexa FTR/R 18/2 TR * Hextravaganz Bard *TR* 18/2 * Hexotic Sorc 13 * Hexquisite Wiz 23 * ~~Quantum Entropy * SARLONA~~ - * and various other scoundrels

  8. #8
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    I am ok with capping streak at 5 myself, but i don’t think it’s needed. I see BB to go hand in hand with TRs, reason why you get to open hard on 2d life and elite as legend. I broke my elite streak once maybe twice on the last 1st life toon i got to 20, because it’s not that needed, IMO. However, if i brake my elite streak on a legend life, yes i still get 35% bonus from hard, but i need to run 5 new quest to get my elite streak fully running again, which may not be easy if i already ran a few other at level elite quests.

    I know some say you can still farm quest, and i do stop and farm tears, shadow crypt, etc. I also repeat some quests on hard for my first time completion and solo 90% of those LFM when i post, 99% end with 3 or less members which are often TR gridding same XP as me. I like that the bravery streak encourage us all to do different quest instead of always the same one, but in its own way, it has cause new limitations.

    I am not saying my idea is perfect, just trying to relieve some pressure from the “elite or die trying” mentality that’s everyone has when levelling, new players like old.

  9. #9
    Community Member DrNuegebauer's Avatar
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    If you can't elite those quests, and don't want to break your streak, then just don't do them!

    That's the simple answer.

    Sure, Devils is outstanding XP, you COULD just farm it hard as the final quest before you cap? Ok, you lost elite streak for when you TR, but you can get that back via Korthos in 5 minutes!
    If you plan on doing epic levelling, then by all means drop the elite streak and do devils last. I'd suggest if you can't do it elite, then you won't be elite streaking the epic levels either!

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by SiliconScout View Post
    But then you aren't on a streak.

    Honestly I think if they capped the number at 5 it would solve a lot of those problems because face it if you have say 100 or 200 heck I hear rumours of 300+ streaks you aren't going to want to give it up because it's bragging rights.
    I broke mine at 1100+. It was a sad sad day

  11. #11
    Community Member DrNuegebauer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SiliconScout View Post
    Even on my 4th life breaking streak is not a big deal to me. There are a few quests that you can farm the **** out of and I want the full streak for those but outside of prepping for those few quests I could care less.
    Isn't the streak LESS important for the farming quests than for anything else?

    I mean, with streak active, other quests become viable as a 'one and done' run (xp/min style) - whereas the farming quests are irrelevant of streak, they're good xp/min whether or not you get the uber first run - and by the time you've done 10 runs, then the initial difference is negligible!

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